Chapter 10

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Tris's POV

"I heard there was going to be pizza," Uriah strides into the apartment. I grin and give him a hug.

"Now, who told you that?" Tobias comes up behind me, a little sarcasm lingering in his voice. My grin widens and so does his.

"Hey, I don't care what it is! I just want food!" Uriah puts his hand to his chest and nods. Soon after, Al, Will, and Christina walk in. We all greet each other and make small talk, waiting for everyone else to arrive.

Zeke runs into the apartment, screaming out, "I'm here Bitches!" Uriah rolls his eyes.

"No one was waiting," I can't help but laugh. Everyone else does too. Zeke mutters something along the lines of, 'whatever'.

"Where are the girls?" I stand from my stool, offering it to Zeke.

"Remember how I ran here?" He takes a chip from the bag in the middle of the counter. "Well let's just say I had my reasons." He pops the chip into his mouth. "I-"

"You mother-" Shauna spots Zeke and throws herself at him. Lynn and Marlene run in shortly after.

"That's what you get!" Lynn spits at him. Everyone just stares, doing nothing. Tobias only wraps his arms around my waist.

"I said I was sorry!" He flinches when Shauna pulls her arm back, ready to hit him hard. They stay like that, Zeke pinned to the floor by Shauna, for a few more moments. She lets her arm fall back by her side. She removes her hand from his throat and gets up, dusting herself off.

"That's what I thought," she turns to us. "Hey guys!" She smiles and sits on the stool Zeke was violently pushed from.

"I don't even want to know," I let out a breathy laugh. I feel Tobias' chest rumble when he chuckles with me.

"Damn Zeke, you know how easy it is to piss those three off?" Al says, "Well now you do." Will and Christina laugh.

"I have an idiot for a brother," Uriah says rolling his eyes. We all laugh. These are my friends. They're ones I don't think I'd ever lose.

Not wanting to change the light atmosphere of the room, I nudge Tobias. He nods his head, reassuring me not to worry. He clears his voice, instantly making everyone quiet down.

"So, Tris and I had Christina," he gestures in her direction, "invite you all to our apartment. Obviously. Christina was the first person we told, and now we want to share this with you all. Just goes to show how much we trust you."

"This is the most important decision we've made, me and Tobias. Like he said, we do trust you guys. Anyways," I clear my throat. "This is something we've been told to keep secret, something we could trust with no one at all. All our lives it's always been like that. Well, since we've known." I scan my eyes across the counter. Observing them. Will and Al and listening attentively, Lynn has a straight face, and Marlene's eyes flicker between us in curiosity. Shauna has a serious face, along with Zeke and Uriah, surprisingly.

"Eric knows that we," I can't do it. I can't bring myself to say it. I just can't.

"We're Divergent." Tobias finishes for me. I stare at our shoes, waiting for someone to say anything.

"Ha! Yea okay," I look up to see Lynn rolling her eyes.

"No, it's true because...because," Uriah surprises me with his soft, low tone of voice. "Because I am too." I hear Marlene gasp from the other end. Lynn's smirk turns into a scowl. I look up at Tobias to see his reaction. He already knew.

"You didn't have to do that," Tobias says.

"No, I did. If they don't trust you, then they can't trust me."

"We trust you guys," Shauna looks at everyone. "Right?" They all nod. She smiles, putting her red hair behind her ear.

"Okay, now that that's settled," Christina clasps her hands together, getting everyone's attention. "It's time to lay out the plan."

"Wait," Will holds up his hand. "Plan for what?" He looks down at Christina.

She smiles. After all, this is her plan. "Remember two days ago, during lunch?" She asks.

"Yea, Eric called Four to talk privately," Al takes a bit out of a cracker. "When he came back, he seemed pretty pissed to me!" He eats another cracker.

Christina nods her head. "Anyone wanna take a guess?" She props her arms on the counter. The inside of her elbow facing the away from her.

"Eric. Eric threatened you with the 'I know your divergent so do this or I'll tell someone' and from there, I have no idea if you beat him up or said something or just walked away." Marlene speaks up. "Tris, you have a very unpredictable boyfriend." Marlene nods her head with each word. I smirk at him. He jabs my side, making me jerk to the side. I jab him back and curse him under my breath.

"Let's stay on topic." His voice rumbles through my body. Christina nods her head.

"Okay, so here's what we're gonna do...."

• • •

"Damn!" Uriah talks with his mouth full of crackers. "That was well thought out!" I yawn, leaning back on Tobias.

"Well I'm trying to save their ass' yes it's going to be well planned."

"Well how long is it going to take to actually do all this?" Will's right. I hadn't thought about that before. With everything happening quickly and at once, it never crossed my mind.

I feel Tobias shift his weight from one foot to the other. He leans into the counter, squishing me in between. He then says, "It cannot take more than a week." Push back with all the strength I have. He finally backs up. I exhale sharply.

"This has to go smoothly. Or else it won't work." I say crossing my arms.

"'s like a con?" I nod in response to Will's question.

"Okay, what the hell is a 'con'?" Zeke gets up from the stool and walks over to the fridge, seeing what he can take.

I grab him from the back of his shirt collar and yank him away. "We are going to deceive Eric into thinking that we are not Divergent. Understand? And get-get away from our fridge!" I bark at him. He slowly backs away from the fridge with his arms up and makes an 'O' shape with his mouth.

"Well I need a few days to take this all in," Lynn stands from the stool, stretching. I frown at her.

"We don't have 'a few days'. You all have one day to prepare." I move Tobias' hands from around my waist and walked to the front door, opening it. "I'm tired." Confused and yawning, one by one they filed out of our apartment, saying bye. I shut the door and walk back to the kitchen where Tobias is already cleaning everything up.

"Good riddance," he chuckles. I laugh too.

"Tobias, do you think it'll work?" I make my way towards him, wrapping my small, strong arms around his waist. I push my hands my hands underneath his shirt, exploring what's already mine. I lay my face against his back. I feel the way his movements are slowly and smooth. I hear the way his breaths sometimes rapidly increase as my tiny fingers skim over his abdomen. I breath in his scent. It's safety and sweat. It comforts me. Away has and forever will.

"I'll make sure of it," he turns around and picks me up. I squeal when his hands grip the bottom of my thighs, so I can wrap them around his waist. And I do. He rests his forehead against mine. Our eyes staring deep into each other. I can see the slightest of light blue in his left iris, mixing in with the rest of the darkest blues I've seen. We share the same breath in the little space between our lips. He smiles and presses his lips to mine. I sigh against his lips, savoring every electrifying second.

"I love you, Tris," I smile against his lips. "You're all I want. You're all I have."

A/N: lolololol its been a while!!!!! So I wanted to end with something sweet since the next few chapter won't be all cuddly or cute or fluffy......okay maybe a little but mainly there's gonna be some ass whuppen!!!!! 😘

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