Elaine- Chapter 3

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Chapter 3- Blonde Alec: The Kidnapping Extraordinaire

Elaine's POV

I watched, shocked and afraid, as Alec walked away. I honestly can't believe he had the nerve to threaten me like that!

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath trying, and failing, to calm my nerves.

One million questions were running through my head preventing me from peace: Why does he need me? Why did he even pick me? Why not someone else? What did I do to deserve this? When he said tell nobody it's fake, does that mean my parents? Can I tell Luke? What do you even do in a fake relationship? Why me???

I mean, I get that he wants all the girls off his back, but it's his fault for putting them there in the first place- so why does he need me? Surely he's not that lazy.

It doesn't matter why he did it or why he chose me, all I have to do is follow his direct orders and I don't have to lose my house... right?


The bell rang, taking me away from my mini panic attack and pulling me back into the real world.

Wait a second... bell signals the end of lunch...

NOOOO! My day just went from bad to atrocious! I missed the only good thing in my life- food- because his royal highness decided he wanted to screw up my life.

You can humiliate me, threaten me, blackmail me, mess up my high school life, and annoy me to no end. However, you can't- I repeat- you can not make me miss my one opportunity to eat during school hours.

I was honestly just going to co-operate, but now? Ha! Now, he is going to pay for humiliating me, threatening me, and most of all- making me skip lunch.

With anger radiating off me, I stomped to my next hour- geometry- walking past the cafeteria as I went.

Oh... Alec Smith. You better sleep with one eye open because you are going to freaking pay.


I slammed the front door closed as I entered my house, warning everyone in a 10-mile radius that Elaine Jenson was pissed off and they should evade the area. I have never been this angry before... well, unless you count that time in 2nd grade when Timmy Recloose cut my hair and I...

Let's just say Timmy moved far far away.

I dropped my backpack angrily on the floor and stomped into the kitchen, food is the only thing that can calm me now.

I spent the entire school day without food. It was hard, brutal, and I barely made it out.

My day at school was 'I Shouldn't be Alive' worthy.

I tore open the fridge and scanned my options.

Raw eggs
3-week-old lasagna
A deformed, burnt pancake

That's just great! The day when I am dying from food withdrawals just happens to be the day we don't have anything good to eat.

I grabbed the yogurt, unhappy with my options, and tore the lid off. I grabbed a random spoon from the silverware drawer and ate the stupid yogurt.

"Who peed in your Captain Crunch?" A familiar voice chimed from the entrance, causing me to jump in surprise and glare at the source. "Because, if anyone should be angrily consuming everything in the fridge, it should be me! The man who's entire breakfast was ruined because his monster of a daughter decided she wanted to be a life-ruiner!" My father finished with frustration, his eyes narrowing at me.

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