Elaine- Chapter 15

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Chapter 15- Ice Cream

Elaine's POV

Instead of being driven home as planned, I found myself in the parking lot of an ice cream parlor, about one hundred miles out of town.

"Can I ask again why we had to go so far away?" I asked the two Smith's in front of me, who were currently fighting over which parking spot Ian should turn into, "We have school tomorrow."

My words, just like always, fell on deaf ears.

"But that one is closer to the door--"

"Yeah, Alec, it's for the handicapped!"

"So what? It won't kill them to take a few more steps."

"I'm the driver, I get to choose where to park!"

"Nuh-uh. The driver gets to choose the music and passenger gets to choose the parking spot-- that's just common knowledge!"

Ian proceeded to ignore Alec, turning and parking in the open spot next to the last handicapped zone.

Alec groaned, "You parked, like, hours away from the door."

"Speaking of hours away~" I cut in, leaning against Alec's chair, "Why are did we go so far for ice cream? There's a McDonald's that serves--"


I rolled my eyes, sending a glare toward the idiot in front of me, "McDonald's. It's literally a three-minute walk from my house."

"Oooh!" Ian exclaimed, "I think I know what you're talking about!" He looked to Alec, "She's talking about that one place that dad's friend owns! You know, the one with the giant gold M in the front!"

Alec seemed to focus on the words before his face clicked, "The place where all the poor people work?"

"That's the one!"

"Hey, poor people don't work at McDonald's!" I cut in, "It's mostly teenagers and retired elders who need—"

"Yada yada, poor people. If they were rich they wouldn't need to work at such ages."

I rolled my eyes, "It's not always about the money! Some just want work experience and—"

Laughter broke into my argument. Ian and Alec were clutching their stomachs, holding out to one another as they appeared to be dying of laughter.

"N-Not about money?!"

"They 'just want experience' she says!"

"What? It's a good reason to have a job!" I cried, trying desperately to defend every single person working at a McDonalds.

"Yeah, sure, for poor people."

"It really just depends on the person!"

"Yeah, and if the person were rich... they wouldn't need a job." Ian said, turning to face me with an empty stare, "Hell, I haven't worked a day of my life, because I simply don't need to. I don't need "experience", I have my father's business connections. I don't need the money, I already have plenty. What's the use of a job if you're rich? Therefore, poor people work at McDonald's."

Alec clapped, nodding in agreement, "That's the only intelligent thing I've ever heard come out of your mouth, brother, I'm proud."

I huffed, realizing that their twisted minds could never understand the point I was trying to make. I decided to change the topic, "So, why are we here?"

"Remember, Emily?" Alec asked, also turning to face me, "It was only a few seconds ago... but I remember it like it was yesterday..." He trailed off, looking into the distance.

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