Alec- Chapter 13

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Chapter 13- It's Britney-Britney, bitch!

Alec's POV:

"Alec!... Alec!... ALEC! Where are you? ALEC!"

It's been thirty minutes of this... and I don't know how much more I can take. It's pure insanity, she hasn't stopped yelling my name.

How did I end up spending one of my last days of spring break hiding behind an overly grown bush in the mall? Why am I hiding from a girl that can't take no for an answer? Well, the answer is very simple: Emily was useless once again.

God, Emily! I give you one job; get all my worshipers out of my beautiful chocolate locks, and you couldn't even get this vegetable bitch off my tail!

Britney (Britney-Britney) Macon: the dumb witted daughter of Michael and Sarah Macon, wealthy family (but, of course, not as rich as mine). She's a real beauty, but she's too stupid to tolerate for more than five seconds. Rumor has it, in junior high she was pushed in front of a bus by her ex-BFFTDDUPBOS (Best Friends Forever Till Death Do Us Part Blood Oath Sisters).

Yeah, they were that close.

Unfortunately, her mind was demolished by that funky yellow death contraption, she even started to refer to herself as "Britney-Britney", saying that it was "double or nothing". But, hey, at least the best parts of her survived. She should be grateful.

But, at times like this, I'd rather have someone with a brain be head-over-heels for me. If it was another girl, I could have easily reasoned with them, but, even if I pushed this dumb bitch into another bus, she still wouldn't get it.

God, Alec, why do you have to be so goddamn irresistible? I mean, even the mentally challenged want you!

"ALEC! It's me, Britney-Britney!" Her voice continued to shout, "ALEC WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" Britney-Britney yelled, gasping for air as she continued. "ALEC! ALEC, PLEASE!"

"I don't think he's here, BB." A boy's voice interfered (most likely Britney-Britney's slave), and all I could think at that moment that I was saved.

Thank you, Kevin. You've always been my favorite human slave.

"No, KK! I can taste him in my mouth, all up in there swimming in my spit." Britney said, her eyes wild as she pushed Kevin to the floor. "He's here and he's mine." She whispered as she continued to walk in the same tiny circle she had for the last thirty minutes as she repeatedly yells my name... again.


Kevin, you useless piece of shit. Get up before I punch your beloved retard.

"BB, you should stop and calm down." Kevin stood up and grabbed her arm, "You know, if you work yourself up too much, you might have another seizure."

"God, KK! For the last time, I don't want a caesar salad!" She yelled, ripping Kevin's hand from her arm.

Kevin The Slave rolled his eyes, "Not a caesar salad, BB, a seizure. You know... the thing that you said made you dance funny?"

"Oh yeah, I don't like those. But I do like Alec, and I wanna see him!" She yelled, stomping her foot, "He's been ignoring me for weeks!" Britney-Britney said, making me remember why I was ignoring her in the first place.

Let's just say her mind might not work right, but her body sure does.

Kevin rolled his eyes, "Just drop this obsession, BB. It's not like he took your special flower or anything."

"Flower? I don't have a special flower..." She gasped, "Did he take your special flower, KK?! Is that why you're accusing him? Omg, Alec is a flower stealer!"

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