Emily- No, wait! Elaine- Chapter 7

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Chapter 7- I had actually tried today!

Elaine's POV

Pulling out of Alec's driveway, or personal road from its size, I couldn't help but glace back at him through the rear-view mirror. It was weird, and I didn't know what to think about the day we had just shared. I had actually had... fun.

Had Alec and I... bonded?

I shivered in disgust, no we hadn't... I'm just paranoid.

I had to be paranoid, there was no way I, Elaine Jensen, had bonded with Alec Smith.

There was not a snowball's chance in hell.

It was out of the question.

We hadn't bonded, not for all the tea in China.

Not in a million years.

Under no circumstances.

So, then why do I feel closer to him?

No, he'd be flying before me and that narcissistic pig actually bonded.

I pushed my thoughts away and focused on driving home, I didn't want to repeat the same mistakes Alec had.

I snorted as I remembered Alec's face when his car was totaled.

No! Bad Elaine, you're supposed to be focusing on the road!

In a desperate attempt to forget about Alec, I moved my thoughts to another topic completely.


A pang formed in my chest as I remembered the pain on his face when he found out me and Alec were dating and I hadn't told him.

To those who don't know Luke, it would have looked as if he was upset that the guy he was flirting with was taken, by his best friend no less.

But I've known Luke for years, I knew he couldn't care less about Alec. It's not like Luke actually likes him. Luke's always enjoyed making straight men uncomfortable, it's one of his favorite past times.

Luke was upset that I hadn't told him about my relationship sooner, and I could see why.

Luke hates when people withhold the truth from him, he's been that way ever since... well, the incident.

He doesn't admit it, but he doesn't trust people the same anymore.

Honestly? Luke used to throw his trust at people and not even care if they caught it. Unfortunately, all it took was one slip-up from the one he trusted most, and Luke stopped playing catch altogether. Now, he carefully hands his trust to people, and he takes it away the second their grip shifts.

And here I went and dropped it, like the idiot I am.

Not a lot of people know much about Luke, he's very good at overshadowing his emotions with shameless flirting and crude humor. You have to be really close to him to know the truths of his life.

He's just mysterious and secretive.

Kind of like Alec...

Dang it, Elaine! Stop thinking about him!

I turned the car radio on and spun the volume dial, turning the music up until it officially drowned out my thoughts. Let's just get myself home... I'll return Luke's car tomorrow when I pick him up for school.

It took a few minutes, but I finally arrived home with all my sanity intact.

I parked Luke's car in my driveway and turned the ignition, shutting the car off. I opened the door and climbed out, slamming the door behind me. I started towards my house, locking Luke's car on my way there.

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