Elaine- Chapter 9

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Chapter 9- Gerard: The Unstable Butler with an Identity Crisis

Elaine's POV

If I spend one more second alone with Rico as he 'fixes my appearance', I am going to kill somebody. The victim will, most likely, be myself.

"Just stay still," Rico muttered, "I'm almost done." He dabbed some more whatever-it-was on my cheeks, making me griminess.

"How the holy fudge am I supposed to 'stay still' when I have to bend my entire body down just so you can reach my face?"

"Shut up and don't move."

I absolutely loathed this.

"What was so wrong with how I looked before?" I snapped at Rico, my eyes narrowing on his form as he did my make-up.

"So many things..." He shivered, "It's best I don't think about it."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "You're exaggerating."

"You're moving too much." He grumbled in annoyance before putting the brush-like mechanism down and grabbing what looked like a black colored pencil. "Just stay still, don't talk."

My jaw dropped, "What does talking have to do with anything? It's not like you're applying anything on my mouth."

"True, but just stop talking." I opened my mouth to object, "Do you want eyeliner in your eye?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "No?"

"Then stop talking." He said coldly as he grabbed my cheeks and dragged my face down and closer to him, and then he proceeded to hold my face still. With all the concentration in the world, he brought the colored pencil to my eye and got real close.

I mean, real close.

I shrieked and jerked my head away from his grasp and straightened back to my full height, staring at him in surprise, "What in holy cheese fries was that?" I asked, "You just tried to stab my eye out!" I accused and pointed angrily at him.

Rico sighed and appeared to have given up as he put a cap on the colored pencil, "No eyeliner it is, then."

I sighed, "Are we done yet? 'Cause I'd rather be with Alec, then with you." I told him, crossing my arms, "And that really is something, because Alec is my number one nemesis."

Rico put everything he used back into a bag of make-up he had brought in with him, "Yeah, I'm done. I can't stand much more of you either."

I scoffed, "What does that mean?"

"It means that you're annoying."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you really are."

I rolled my eyes, "If anyone's annoying, it's Alec."

Rico opened his mouth to object, but stopped himself, "Yeah, you're right." He agreed.

"Aren't I always?" I asked with a sly grin.

"Nope." He replied emotionless, making the grin fall off my face.


"Okay, I'm all done fixing you, so you can do what you want." He shrugged, "But I recommend joining Alec before he bursts in here and ruins my mood."

I pursed my lips and looked at myself in the mirror, my hair was straighter than it had been when I attempted to do it and my makeup was not as coated on my face, giving it a natural look.

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