Alec- Chapter 4

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Chapter 4- My Father: 'Breasty McTits'

Alec's POV

As I was getting into this gay-ass car I bought with my weekly allowance, I banged my beautiful head on the top of it. Damn it! Why do I have to be so ruggedly handsome and tall? It makes getting into an exact replica of your fake girlfriend's best friend's car way harder than it should be. Mumbling colorful profanities under my breath, I turned the key and started the car.

I mean, can't this guy at least have a touch-start car? You know, like all of mine?

I put the car in drive and drove out of the mall as fast as I could with out breaking the engine on this cheap piece of garbage.

As I continued to drive the monstrosity people call a 'car', I got a strange feeling that I was forgetting something... But what was it?

Did I leave the oven on?... No, the maid turned it off after she used it.

Did I forget today was a school day?... No, I just didn't care.

Did I actually leave Rico in charge of another human life?... Yes, but she's not important enough to worry about...

I mean, I've known Rico since the diaper-days. We grew up the same, extremely expensive neighborhood... And in all that time, Rico has been fired from every single baby-sitting job he ever had for the craziest reasons.

Why Rico was fired:

-Threatening the children
-Scaring the children
-Actually sitting on the children because he didn't understand the term 'Baby-Sitting' and wanted to try it out
-Holding a child upside-down to try and get information out of him (They were playing hide-and-seek)

You could see why I wouldn't trust Rico to watch over Ellen, but that's not what I was forgetting...

What the hell is it? Now I'm just getting annoyed at the fact that my beautiful brain can't remember something so simple.

...Oh yeah, I needed to call my dad, that's what it was. Apparently, he had something 'important' to tell me. Clicking the 'talk' button on the steering wheel, I spoke into the air. "Call Benjamin Smith." I commanded.

Okay... Maybe it's not an exact replica of Luis's car- I may or may not have added blue-tooth. But, can you really blame me for not wanting to take my phone all the way out of my pocket and type in my dad's phone number- which I totally forgot- when I can just say his name and get immediate access to him?

"Calling Breasty McTits." The car responded, causing my eyes to widen in panic. Oh, crap not her! She was a one-time deal, never again! I accidentally saved her number. Stupid, stupid car! You should know to never call her!

As you can see, all this deceiving and kidnapping has taken a lot out of me.

That ugly blonde wig cost $200 because anything under $100 is too cheap for my hair; which deserves more than even I can give it. I can at least make sure to never put something cheap over my baby and keep my fabulous locks of silky smoothness unharmed. Plus it looked more realistic.

But, besides risking my hairs health, I also had to buy this girly-ass car. What kind of idiot in his right mind would buy this? Oh right, the idiot who befriended someone who is an even bigger idiot that can't use a brush properly to fix that dirty mop she calls hair! Why is Luis even friends with her?

Because he is an idiot.

Everyone around me are idiots!

Except me of course, I'm not an idiot.

So, I think we are all thinking the same thing: Why do I, the glorious Alec Smith, allow myself to go through all this pain and suffering just to get Ella to look the way I want her to, dress the way I want her to, and be the way I want her to?

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