Alec- Chapter 16

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Chapter 16- Bobby The Flavin Hot Cheeto

Alec's POV:

I was jogging slowly up the long spiral staircase, taking two steps at a time. You see, I couldn't have Ian catching up with me, I don't even want to look at his disgusting face right now.

"Wa-wait up. I ne-need to... to explain." Ian pleaded, gasping for air as he neared the middle of the staircase.

How pathetic.

"I told you that you were gonna get fat playing Asses Crack all the time, you fatty." I pointed out, flicking him off in the process. Once I was satisfied by the defeated expression on my useless brother's face, I started to walk down the hallway.

"It's Ass-Assassin's Creed!" Ian puffed out, drawing his last bit of air to make up a less embarrassing name for his favorite game.

"Yeah, whatever," I mumbled to myself, continuing to walk down the hall as Ian screams in the distance.

"Oh my legs, they hurt!"

"God... did this staircase grow?!"

"I'm gonna die, I think I'm dying!"

"Alec, I'm not done with you, so don't think I am!"


That was the last time we heard from Ian.

His death was slow (and probably very painful). The funeral that was held for him was beautiful and elegant-- completely perfect to the last detail. The only problem with the ceremony was the man in the casket-- he wasn't nearly worthy enough of such thoughtfulness. He deserved to be buried in nothing but the ugly clothes he died in, or-- if lucky-- to be put in something plain, like a cardboard box. But, even so, my family was famous and "had to keep up appearances". 

Some might believe I'm being too cruel to my deceased sibling, but he was my brother. It's my job to make his life suck, even in death.

Aunt Gretel taped my shoulder. "It's your turn to see the failure."

Nodding in response, I stood up and started to walk up to the beautiful gold-encrusted casket placed beautifully in the middle of the room.

"Let's burn the body after this!" Uncle Fred yelled as he dropped to the floor and performed the worm in the middle of the room.

"Yeah, let's burn the thing!" Great-Grandpa Judith yelled, causing everyone to chant along.

"Burn It!"

"Burn the thing!"

"Burn the failure!"

Dodging the fiery toilet paper thrown throughout the room, I finally reached the casket. Looking at Ian's ugly face I gagged.

God, it's worse than usual.

Leaning down, I fought back acid. This is my chance to have the last word. 

I brought my lips to his ear, "Ha, you're dead and I'm not. You didn't even get to finish Asses Crack did you? FAILURE!" I mumbled to my brother's corpse as if it could hear me.

Content with my goodbye, I lifted my head up and started to head back to my seat. Before I could, a cold pale hand wrapped around my wrist.

"Its Assassin's Creed, for the last time!" The creature yelled, causing its words to echo throughout the church.

"It's alive!" Uncle Fred screeched as he continued to do the worm until he exited the building. Everyone else did the same, all dropping to the floor and into the worm until they were out of the church.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2018 ⏰

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