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1 month later:

"Livy!" Olivia looks up when she hears the voice call out for her, smiling with glee at the sight of her cousin Caitlyn and best friend Cisco

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"Livy!" Olivia looks up when she hears the voice call out for her, smiling with glee at the sight of her cousin Caitlyn and best friend Cisco. She practically squeals with glee as she dashes towards them, enveloping her cousin in a tight hug.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!" She giggles, squeezing her as tight as she can. Caitlyn giggles as well, rocking her cousin back and forth in glee.

"I can't believe you're actually here!"

"I can't believe I'm here either!"

"I can't believe you've been here for a full minute and a half and I still haven't gotten a hug!" Cisco says from behind the two females. Caitlyn rolls her eyes as Olivia laughs, gently pulling back from her cousin and throwing herself into her best friend's arms.

"It's good to see you, you freak of nature." She giggles into his shoulder, giving him a soft squeeze. Cisco laughs and squeezes her softly, pecking her cheek before pulling back.

"You too, shortie." He grins.

"Oh shut up, I'm not that tiny!" Olivia says, laughing as she playfully shoves his shoulder.

"Oh come on, Cisco, she's not short! She's fun sized." Caitlyn smiles, threading an arm through her cousin's.

"If you were anybody else I'd shove you to the floor," Olivia grumbles, making Caitlyn laugh and give her a squeeze.

"Well, I see Miss Ryan has arrived." Olivia turns around when she hears the voice, turning to see a man in a wheelchair emerging from the other room. She grins.

"Harrison Wells," She breathes, moving forward to shake his hand. "It's such an honor to meet you, sir."

"I can say the same thing. Caitlyn speaks about you all the time. It's a pleasure to finally meet the famous Olivia." He smiles with a nod. Olivia only smiles, sending a look back to her cousin that can only read Oh-My-God-I-Love-You. "Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I have to go have another look at Mr. Allen's vitals." Dr.Wells says before excusing himself from the room.  Olivia looks back at her cousin and best friend, eyes wide.

"I can't feel my legs," she breathes, causing Cisco to laugh. "I just met Harrison Wells, I am freaking out!" She laughs. "Wait...he said Mr.Allen...as in, coma guy?"

"That's right." Caitlyn says, nodding over to the middle of the lab where a hospital bed stood. Olivia looked over to see a man around her age, wires hooked to almost every part of his head. An oxygen tube was hooked under his nose and the lines on the heart monitor were so rapid she could barely look at it without getting dizzy.

"Woah," she breathes, making her way over. "You didn't tell me he was cute..." She teased, shooting a goofy smile over to her cousin. Caitlyn rolls her eyes, shaking her head as Cisco turns on the radio.

"Well, I apologize, but I didn't think that particularly mattered." Olivia snorts.

"Cait, please, that always matters." She jokes, looking back over at the unconscious man in front of her just as "Poker Face" starts blasting through the speakers. "Ooh, yass! That's my jam!" She grins, turning back to give Cisco a big thumbs up.

"You're not the only one," He says, nodding over at Barry.

"How could you possibly know that this is favorite song?" Caitlyn deadpans.

"He was stalking his FB page." Olivia states with a chuckle, leaning in close towards the unconscious man. "What even happened to him?"

"Struck by lightning." Cisco says casually.

"What?!" Olivia says turning back to look at him.

"Again, coma." Cisco says, raising his eyebrows.

"Oh, hush." Olivia mumbles, turning back to look at the brunette in front of her. She can't help herself as she reaches a hand up, softly brushing his hair away from his eyes. He actually looked pretty peaceful for a guy in a coma. "Poor guy. Doesn't even know what hit him. Literally." She shakes her head, leaning her face over his. Suddenly he gasps, sitting up in a flash (A/N- Forgive me for my puns 😂) and banging his head against Olivia's. Olivia yelps and falls back on her ass, holding her forehead.

"Oh my God," Cisco says, eyes wide at the brunette in the hospital bed.

"What happened?" Barry breathes, his eyes wide at the woman on the floor.

"You woke up and slammed you're freaking head into mine, that's what happened." Olivia groans as Caitlyn rushes to help her up.

"Where am I? What - how - how did I get here?" Barry rambles, yanking the wires from his head and the oxygen tube from his nose.

"You're at Star Labs, dude!" Cisco says, a wide grin on his face.

"S-Star labs? Who are you?" Barry asks, his voice raspy from sleep which, Olivia actually found quite attractive.

"I'm Cisco Ramon, and this is Dr. Caitlyn Snow, and Olivia Ryan." Barry's eyes fell on the two females, his brow still furrowed in confusion.

"I don't understand...why am I here?" He murmurs, hopping up from the bed and turning to look at the three people in front of him.

"You were struck by lightning, dude!" Cisco says, almost excitedly. Barry's brow furrowed even further and he turned around, stopping dead in his tracks when he saw his toned chest in the mirror. 

"Lightning...gave me abs?" He murmurs, raising his eyebrows.

"Oh, for God's sake, he's obviously confused as hell, smart one." Olivia says, looking at her best friend and throwing a hand up.

"Okay, missy, you try and talk to him!" Cisco says putting his hands up in surrender. Olivia sighs, making her way towards Barry.

"Alright, how about you just sit down and relax for a second, okay?" She says, leading him back to the hospital bed.

"She's right, you need to rest. You were in a coma," Caitlyn says, raising her eyebrows. Barry's eyes go wide.

"For how long?"

"About nine months." Cisco answers and Barry falls back against the pillows, huffing out a sigh. Olivia clears her throat softly, raking a hand through her blonde hair.

"Okey dokey, well, I'll just let you guys do your thing, I'm gonna go get ready for work tomorrow." She says throwing her bag over her shoulder and turning back to her cousin and friend. "I'll stop by for lunch, okay?"

"Don't forget!" Cisco says, pointing a finger at his best friend.

"No promises!" She calls back before walking straight out of Star Labs, away from Barry Allen.

A/N- Another cringe worthy chapter...better than the last one though xD Hope you enjoyed!

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