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Coma guy: where are you??

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Coma guy: where are you??

Coma guy: okay, fine, I won't take any pictures of you

Livvvy: you liar, you're just waITING

Coma guy: where did you even go??

Livvvy: you will never know 😏

Livvvy: I am hiDING

Coma guy: don't hide from your baby 😞

Livvvy: come find me then! Who knows, maybe you'll get a reward 😉

Coma guy: don't teASE ME WOMAN


Coma guy: pffffffft

Livvvy: shut up, you love me

Coma guy: yeah I do ❤️

Livvvy: ATTACK

Coma guy: wtf

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Barry nearly jumped out of his skin when Olivia leaped onto his back, her legs wrapping around his waist as she giggled wildly into his shoulder.

"Surprise! I was in the pantry," she giggled, snuggling her face into his neck. Barry only laughed, putting his arms under her legs to hold her up.

"You little sneak," he grins, swinging her around so she was wrapped around his front. Olivia squealed a bit but quickly latched on, laughing as she pressed a kiss to his nose, causing his face to turn as red as his suit. "Will you ever stop being cute?" He murmurs, resting his forehead on hers.

"Nope. It's not possible." Olivia jokes with a grin, pressing a kiss to his lips. Barry hums, pecking her lips gently and nuzzling their noses together.

"Can I please just get one picture? Please?" He begged softly. Olivia groans.

"That's my line, babe." She teases. Barry gives her a look.

"You take pictures of me all the time, I want to take one of you! It's only fair," he pouts, his bottom lip sticking out a bit.

"Can't you take one when I don't look like I was hit by a bus?" Olivia asks, earning a laugh from her boyfriend.

"You look beautiful, babe." Barry whispers, adjusting his arms underneath her bottom so he could hold her better. Olivia hums, sighing softly.

"I have a better idea. Let's do a black and white." She murmurs. Barry arches an eyebrow.

"What does that mean for people who aren't photographers?" He joked, making Olivia giggle.

"It means I'm going all aesthetic on your ass."

A/N- Ugh my feels, they hurt.

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