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Phone conversation between Olivia and Marco: 

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Phone conversation between Olivia and Marco: 



"Oh...hey, Marc."

"What? Is it my breath?"

"No, no. I'm sorry, I just thought you were Barry."

"Oh yeah! You know, I checked out his Instagram, he seems like a really cool guy."


"Livy? What is it? What's wrong?"

"I-I think Barry and I broke up."

"Oh, Livy, no.."

"It was so stupid, Marc. He was really jealous over...well, you."

"Me? Is he kidding?"

"I wish. God, Marc, I told him to call me when he grew up. W-What was I thinking?"

"Oh, Livy, please don't cry. I'm sorry, this is my fault."

"No, no, p-please don't blame yourself. It's my fault, I should've been more understanding!"

"Hey, hey, shh, it's okay! Hey, how about I come over and bring some ice cream, yeah? We can talk some more then."

"You'd do that...?"

"Yes, of course! I'll be over there in like 10 minutes, okay?"

"Thank you, Marc. You're the best."

"Don't mention it. I'll see you soon."


Olivia sniffled softly when she heard someone knock on her door, pulling her sweater sleeves over her hands before padding over to the door and pulling it open. There stood Marco with a grocery bag in his hand, a gentle smile on his lips.

"Your comfort food has arrived." He smiles, making Olivia laugh through her tears.

"Come in, you idiot." She sniffs, opening the door a bit wider so he could come through the doorway. The male walks in the front door and sets the bag on the coffee table before turning back to face his friend.

"How you doing?" He asked gently, raising his eyebrows.  Olivia goes to answer him, to tell him she's doing okay. But when she looked up into her best friend's brown eyes, her own suddenly filled with tears, and before she can stop it, a soft sob is escaping her throat.

"I'm a mess," She cries, gasping in a breath as her knees begin to buckle underneath her. She braces herself to hit the hardwood floor until Marco's arms are catching her in an embrace and pulling her against his chest.

"It's okay, Livy," he whispered, sitting down on the couch and bringing his best friend into his lap. "Shh, it's alright, just let it out," he whispered, and Olivia did.

"W-What the hell is wrong with me?!" She sobs into his neck, gripping it for dear life. "I-I met Barry like a month ago, and now that he's gone suddenly I c-can't live without him?!"

"Shh, oh, Livy, nothing's wrong with you," Marco cooed, gently rocking his best friend back and forth in comfort. "You're in love. And well, I hate to be the one to say it, but...love sucks." He murmured, earning a gentle laugh from his best friend.

"It's only been a month, how the hell can I be in love?" Olivia whispered, hiccuping softly into his neck.

"Sometimes you just have that connection with someone." Marco murmurs, gently rocking her back and forth. Olivia pulled back just barely to look him in the eye, her own red and puffy.

"Thank you so much for being here..even though I probably look like a freaking raccoon." She laughed softly, referring to her most likely smeared mascara. Marco giggled softly, kissing her forehead.

"It's okay. You're an adorable raccoon," he whispered, cupping her cheeks so he could gently wipe away her remaining tears. Olivia's fingers absentmindedly tangled themselves into Marco's hair, gently gripping it. Both of their faces seemed to melt as they stared into each other's eyes, both pairs of eyes drifting up and down from each other's lips. Before either of them can think their lips are touching, the touch soft and delicate, but sweet at the same time. They both pulled away, their foreheads touching gently.

"I think you're right.." Olivia whispered, closing her eyes. "Some people do have that connection."

A/N- so this happened, whOOPS. So yes, there is a bit of #Molivia but don't worry, we all know #Bolivia is end game 😏😉 Hope you enjoyed! 💕 -Hayden

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