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Olivia grinned up at Barry as she held tightly to his hands as the man marrying them spoke

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Olivia grinned up at Barry as she held tightly to his hands as the man marrying them spoke. She couldn't believe this was happening. She couldn't believe they were doing this in general. But Barry was right. She couldn't even imagine being with anybody else, and she loved him. Oh, God, how she loved him. Sure, everything so far had been spur of the moment, the proposal, the Vegas wedding. But they had a whole lifetime to take things slow. She wanted to put that ring on her love's finger and be able to call him hers, till death do them part.

"...and do you, Olivia Ryan, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, until death parts you?" Olivia's smile broadened, if that were possible, and she nodded quickly.

"I do." Barry's own lips broke out into a smile, his hands squeezing hers just as tightly as hers were squeezing his.

"Then, by the power vested in me by the state of Nevada, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now-" Before he could finish speaking Barry was whisking Olivia into his arms, dipping her back a bit as his lips crashed onto hers. Cisco whooped from the crowd, which basically consisted of him, Caitlyn, and Iris, and Olivia laughed, gripping Barry's neck as she kissed him. When they finally pulled away Olivia had to stop herself from squealing with glee, holding up her hand to reveal her finger that held her wedding ring.

"I'm married!" She giggled at Caitlyn, who giggled back at her before her and Iris were whisking her into a large group hug.

"I'm so proud of you, Livy." Caitlyn said into her ear, wiping tears away from her eyes.

"Oh, no, don't you start crying, because then I'll start crying and it's gonna be a big mess." Iris warned, making both girls laugh.

"I'm still waiting for my hug." Cisco pouted from behind them, and Barry grinned, slamming his body to Cisco's in a big bear hug. The three girls cracked up laughing, having to hold onto each other to keep from falling over. Olivia finally calmed down and moved forward to hug her best friend.

"Move it, Allen, it's my turn." She giggled, pulling Cisco into a tight hug.

"Okay, Allen." Barry grins, bouncing up and down on his toes. Olivia looks at her new husband and smiles, tipping her head.

"You know what? Something tells me that's gonna catch on."

The End.

A/N- ITS OVER, OMG WHY 😭😭 Guys, I had so much fun writing this, you don't even know. I hope you had fun reading it and I just want to thank you for sticking with me for this long. I love you guys sooooooooo much!! 💕 ~Hayden ❤️

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