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Barry jumped when he heard someone clear their throat from above him

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Barry jumped when he heard someone clear their throat from above him. He hadn't even heard them come into his lab. He looks up into the eyes of Olivia, the short, blonde girl hugging her sketch book to her chest.

"Hey," she smiled shyly, chewing on her lip. "Sorry I didn't tell you I was coming, but um, I have something for you." She slowly slid her sketchbook onto his desk, her arms then wrapping around herself protectively. Barry's brow furrows and he slowly looks at the sketchbook, his eyes going wide with awe.

"Is this...me?" He asked, looking back up at her. Olivia nodded, wringing her hands together.

"Yeah. I know it's kind of a crappy apology but...I remember you asking me to draw you sometime and I thought this was a st-" she stops when suddenly Barry's lips are slammed onto hers, his hands moving to cup her face gently. Olivia is tense at first, but then slowly melts into the kiss, her hands moving to tangle into his hair as her arms wrap around his neck. They slowly pull away after a minute, her forehead gently resting on his jaw. Barry closed his eyes and buried his face into her hair, his thumbs stroking tenderly over her cheeks.

"I'm sorry..." He whispered, kissing her forehead tenderly. "I'm sorry, baby.." Olivia smiled gently and resting her head on his chest, he arms winding around his neck as her eyes fluttered to a close.

"I'm sorry, too.." She whispered, squeezing him tightly to her. "I love you, Barry Allen..."

"I love you, Olivia Ryan."

A/N- short af but ya know feELS AGGGHH 😭

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