T h i r t y S i x

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"God, would you look at them?" Olivia sighed fondly as she watched her brother and sister-in-law sway to their first dance as husband and wife on the dance floor

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"God, would you look at them?" Olivia sighed fondly as she watched her brother and sister-in-law sway to their first dance as husband and wife on the dance floor. Barry grinned at the dreamy look on his girlfriend's face, placing his chin in his hand and looking back to Alex and Amy.

"Yeah..can't help but..." He murmured, sighing softly. "Weddings always make you think don't they?" Olivia turned to face her boyfriend and smiled, tipping her head.

"About what?" She asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Like about...your life, you future, all that jazz." He smiles, reaching over to take her hand gently in his own. "I mean, don't you ever think about that?" Olivia smiled softly, shrugging and squeezing Barry's hand gently.

"Sometimes, yeah. When I was younger, I'd put a pillowcase over my head and pretend it was a wedding veil." She chuckled, making Barry burst into laughter. "It was so dorky, I'd make Alex put on one of dad's ties and he would pretend to walk me down the isle. I had this big stuffed teddy bear named - well, Teddy of course, and we got married everyday for about 3 years." She grins, laughing softly.

"That is adorable," Barry giggles, rubbing his thumb gently over her knuckle. He squeezed her hand softly, staring down at them for a minute before looking back up at his girlfriend with a slow smile. "Let's get married, Livy."

Olivia's eyes bulged out of her head, her lips parting in surprise. "What?"

"Why not?" Barry grins, squeezing her hands. "We've been together for close to six months now, we know everything about each other..and I know there's no one else I'd ever want to be with." He whispers, kissing her hands gently.

"Barry..." Olivia laughed gently, her brow furrowing as she shakes her head. "Are you're sure it's not just the wedding talking?"

"I'm positive.." Barry whispered gently, squeezing her hands affectionately. "I love you, Livy. And I can't imagine myself with anybody else..." Olivia stared at him for a moment, and Barry was worried she'd get freaked out and dump him right there. But instead, she smiled brightly and nodded, squeezing his hands.

"Let's do it." She smiled, and Barry grinned, lurching forward to slam his lips to hers. Olivia laughed against his lips, winding her arms around his neck.

"Oh wait," Barry said as he pulled away, standing up and getting down on one knee. "Let's do this right." He grins as he takes both of her hands in his, and Olivia giggles, her eyes filling with tears. "Olivia Ryan, will you marry me?"

With tears of joy in her eyes and a smile gracing her lips, Olivia squeezes his hands and says,



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