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Livvvy: I need to talk to you

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Livvvy: I need to talk to you

Tattoo man: all ears

Livvvy: I'm so sorry I kissed you, I shouldn't have done that. I love Barry and I shouldn't have lead you on

Tattoo man: I know you love Barry, Livy. That kiss didn't mean anything. There were no sparks, or fireworks, or whatever the hell they say on TV. You just needed some comfort, that's what I gave you. That's all ☺️

Livvvy: you're not upset?

Tattoo man: of course not. You and Barry belong together, end of story.

Livvvy: ...

Livvvy: don't you make me cry, jackass

Tattoo man: NO TEARS NO

Livvvy: you are literally the best best friend ever, thank you Marc

Tattoo man: of course! And for the record? You are a pretty good kisser...😂

Livvvy: WHALE THANK YA *hair flip*

Tattoo man: no problem. Now go get your man

A/N- aweeeee #Molivia for the platonic ship 💕 I know this was short, but just wait, it'll get better 😉

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