E i g h t

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(Barry is such a cinnamon roll wtf)

"Hey, blondie," Barry grinned as he entered the break room of the police station, where Olivia was currently trying to fix the damn ice maker

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"Hey, blondie," Barry grinned as he entered the break room of the police station, where Olivia was currently trying to fix the damn ice maker. She briefly turned her head when she heard the brunette's familiar voice, smiling at him before focusing her attention back on the ice maker.

"Hey, Allen, what's up?" She said, though she couldn't really pay much attention.

"Not much," he shrugged as he poured himself another cup of coffee, his brow furrowing as he watched the short blonde work. "What are you doing?" The blonde huffed, blowing a piece of hair out of her face and sighing.

"Attempting to fix this damn ice maker so I can have some friggin ice coffee." She grumbled, shaking the thing a couple times. "What the hell is wrong with - ow!" She screeched when a small piece of ice flew into her right eye, her hand flying to hold it. "Oh, son of a bitch!" Barry's eyes went wide.

"Shit, Livy," he murmured, setting down his coffee and making his way towards the pained girl. "Okay, okay, let me see," he said, practically having to pry her hand from her eye. The girl hissed in pain, gripping his arm. "Open it for me," he murmured, cupping her cheeks so he can see better. Olivia manages to blink her eye open, her nails digging into Barry's sweater as her eyeball burned.

"Dammit, it hurts," she hissed through her teeth.

"We should put some ice on it," Barry said, and Livy gives him a deadpan look. His brow furrows. "Why are you looking at me like that...? Oh, wait..." He says, and Olivia laughs, shaking her head.

"You're a dumbass," she teases, and Barry can't help but laugh too. Olivia's eyes meet his and their laughter dies down, both of them getting tranced in each other's eyes. Barry caresses her cheek gently with one hand, the other holding her head in place as if she was going to leave him. Before either of them had time to think, they were leaning in, lips pressing together in a gentle kiss.

Olivia had never kissed anyone like this before. Sure, she had kissed other guys before, but this was different. With Barry, it was gentle and sweet, yet passionate at the same time. They slowly pull away and press their foreheads together, smiling like idiots.

"I may be a dumbass," Barry spoke, his green eyes meeting hers. "But I'm your dumbass."

A/N- I feel like this was rushed, YIKES, oh well 😂 Hope you enjoyed!

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