T h i r t e e n

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(Danielle is so sexy ugh)

"Livy, I need some help!" Olivia looked up from the blue dress she was holding when she heard her cousin's voice from the dressing room, her brow furrowing as she made her way over.

"What's the matter?" She questioned, adjusting the brown hat on her head.

"My arm is stuck in the sleeve and I can't get it out without ripping the dress," Caitlyn says, gently poking her head out from the dressing room. Olivia giggles, shaking her head and slipping inside.

"Okay, hang on," she said before going to work on the dress. "My mom taught me a trick for when this happens." She murmured, sticking her tongue out in concentration as she worked.

"So..." Caitlyn said, raising her eyebrows. "You and Barry, huh?" She grinned. Olivia gave her cousin a look, tilting her head.


"Oh, come on, Livy! This is me. You know you can talk to me." Caitlyn smiles. Olivia sighs with a small shrug, not being able to stop the wide grin that spread onto her lips.

"Okay, so I might really like him...a lot.." She giggles.

"Ooh girly you are so in love.." Caitlyn grins, bumping Olivia's hip gently with her own. Olivia sighs happily.

"God, Caitlyn, I've never felt this way before. It's so weird!" She says as she finally helps Caitlyn slip out of her dress. "There you go."

"Thanks," Caitlyn says, smiling at her cousin. "That's how everyone always feels when they're in love. That's how it felt when Ronnie and I first met. It was so...strange and yet so wonderful at the same time." Olivia smiles, nodding.

"Yeah, you're right..." She murmurs before looking down at the red dress.

"That dress looks great on you, by the way." She says, making Caitlyn smile.

"Thank you. It's like $50 bucks though, that's half my gift card. Do you think it's worth the buy?" She asks, biting her lip. Olivia snorts.

"Darling, when you have a Macy's gift card, everything is worth the buy."

Caitlyn's Cousin ⌲ AllenWhere stories live. Discover now