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Livvvy: I need my senpaiiii

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Livvvy: I need my senpaiiii

SanfranCISCO: what is it little shortie??

Livvvy: Barry and I kind of broke up...

SanfranCISCO: what??? What did he do to you??? I will kill him

Livvvy: Cisco stop, nothing like that

Livvvy: he got really jealous over Marco and well, I said some shit and screwed myself

SanfranCISCO: he was jealous over Marco?? Why??? He has no reason to be, isn't he like your brother?

Livvvy: well, not exactly..

SanfranCISCO: oh my god what did you do?

Livvvy: I kind of kissed him...


Livvvy: it just happened, Cisco!! I don't know how

Livvvy: he came over with some ice cream, I broke down like a little freaking girl and before I knew it we were...ya know

SanfranCISCO: oh Livy

Livvvy: please don't tell. Or hate me for that matter

SanfranCISCO: NO

SanfranCISCO: listen here little missy I will NEVER hate you, understand? EVERRRRRR

SanfranCISCO: and your secret is safe with me, okay? I promise 🙂

Livvvy: okay. Thank you Cisco. I don't know what I'd do without you

SanfranCISCO: hey, I gotchu. I'm still here, creepin and peepin

Livvvy: you're the only peeper I'd ever trust 😂 but, I do have a question

SanfranCISCO: hit meh

Livvvy: what the hell am I suppose to do now?

SanfranCISCO: well, do you have feelings for Marco?

Livvvy: I don't know...

Livvvy: but I do know that I love Barry

Livvvy: I'm so confused. Please tell me what to do, Cisco

SanfranCISCO: you know what you're gonna do? You're gonna look inside that beautiful little heart of yours, and you're gonna follow it

SanfranCISCO: that's the best thing you can do, not for Marco or Barry, but for yourself

Livvvy: senpai that was so cheesy its cheddar 😂

SanfranCISCO: I know, I went all Full House on your ass 😂😂😂

Livvvy: and I love you for it

A/N- Cisco is just a precious thing that neEDS TO BE PROTECTED UGH 😭😭 Hope you enjoyed!!

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