Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

Micah Grayson

Shuffling around his room Micah placed all of his things neatly into the duffle bag he was given by his mental health advisor. Biting at his lip he's tried to imagine what it would be like to finally be free from this confined room that he'd grown accustomed to.

Hearing the locks turning on his room door Micah chuckled at the fact that he still couldn't get an ounce of privacy even on his last day here. The people never knocked and always barged in. They didn't feel the patients needed any privacy.

He was also aware that with the way he was positioned that his bare ass could be seen through his gown. Not caring he didn't even attempt to cover it as Meredith his advisor let herself in to over see him.

"Micah your bottom is showing." She said lowly turning head giving him a chance to cover it.

He said nothing as he continued organizing his things.

Looking down Meredith tried to ignore his appearance as she started up s conversation.

"So your aunt called and said she would be here soon." She said sitting down at the desk chair crossing her legs as she read over his file.

Micah nodded but still didn't have much to say.

Jess was always his favorite aunt she was the only one who wrote and visited him. Everyone else was still mourning the death of his parents and his little sister. They knew Micah had something to do with it but no one could prove it.

"Micah are you sure you're ready to leave? I know you feel like a prisoner here but we're only trying to protect you and possibly others." Meredith said still not convinced it was safe to let him leave.

She'd fought the bored of directors at the institution to reverse his release due to the fact that Micah was still very mentally unstable. There thing was they were trying not to get sued if word got out that Micah's previous advisor was terminated for carrying on in a sexual relationship with him. Therefore letting him go was what they were going to do.

"You saying I'm too crazy to interact with people in the real world Ms. M?" Micah asked curious as he sat on his bed crossing his leg over the other staring at her intensely.

"No. Not at all. I'm just saying I think you need a little more time." She said pursing her lips together nervously as her leg shook.

He was intimidating her.

"Welp no one around here seems to give a damn what you think so..." He shrugged standing up removing his gown and slipping on a pair of jeans not bothering to put on any underwear.

Meredith's eyes grew big as saucers as she stood up letting herself out the room.

"I like her why you always gotta be so mean to her?" Micah asked himself before laughing and pulling his shirt over his head.

A part of Micah really did like Meredith she seemed to really care about his mental state, but another part of him really could give a damn about her and her useless words. She knew nothing about him and had no idea what it was like to fight with herself everyday. There wasn't enough research in the world that could halfway help her understand the inside of Micah's thoughts and he wasn't opening up to give her the slightest glimpse.

After his bag was stuffed with the little belongings he did have Micah threw the strap over his shoulder just in time. One of the nurses was escorting his aunt Jess into the room.

Looking at him her face lit up as she walked over finally able to really hug him. Wiping her face she gripped his shoulders in her hands just looking at him.

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