Chapter 46

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Chapter 46:

Cassie Grayson 

Tossing in her sleep upon the sound of soft cries Cassie raised up in bed rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Looking over Micah slept peacefully next to her un phased by the baby's cries.

Mugging him Cassie hopped up going to the bassinet they had in their room

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Mugging him Cassie hopped up going to the bassinet they had in their room.

Upon seeing her face Maddox immediately stopped crying and just stared up at her. He just wanted to let them know that he was up and wanted attention at six in the morning.

 He just wanted to let them know that he was up and wanted attention at six in the morning

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"You're so fake little boy." Cassie laughed giving him his pacifier to keep him quiet while she brushed her teeth and washed her face.

When she was done she scooped him up out the bed placing small kisses upon his little cheeks. Making her way downstairs she thought against breast feeding since she had breast milk already pumped and ready to go.

Holding Maddox against her chest while preparing his bottle Cassie hummed softly to him. The feeling of having him in her arms made her feel whole. It was hard for anyone to get her to put him down.

Maddox was about four weeks now and was growing every time they looked up. His facial features changed just about everyday and although he looked like Cassie you could see all of Micah in him with his expressions and behavior. When he slept he didn't like being covered he liked for his arms and legs to be free. He reminded Cassie of Micah so much with everything he did.

Taking the bottle out of the bottle warmer Cassie tested it on her hand before popping it into Maddox's mouth. Micah was still sleeping so she'd be up for the morning with the baby alone until he woke up.

"It's just me and you kid." Cassie said rubbing her hand over his head of soft straight hair as she held him making her way into the laundry room.

Blue followed behind her as usual not letting the new baby phase him. With Asesina at Jess's he had nothing else to do but follow her.

Multitasking had became something Cassie did in her sleep. It was the only way she could get things done. So as she fed her baby she separated clothes to wash. When it was time to burp him she loaded the washer. She did everything she needed to do around the house all while keeping her child satisfied and quiet while her husband slept.

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