Part III: A fateful reunion

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Zen slowly started to open his eyes. His gaze immediately fell upon the awoken red haired girl. "Shirayuki, are you alright? Obi told us that you collapsed."
"I think I'm all right, I felt fine, but something suddenly hit me." Shirayuki responded. Zen grabbed Shirayuki's hand and kissed her forehead.
"Well I'm glad to see you again." Zen said. Kiki and Mitsuhide woke up and walked over to Shirayuki.
"Are you okay? We were really worried about you." Kiki asked.
"Yes, I think I was just exhausted from working too much. I'm done now though." Shirayuki said with a smile.
"Well that's good to hear." Mitsuhide said.
"That reminds me, why are you here anyways?" Shirayuki looked questionably.
"It's kinda a long story, but King Sona of Vassness wants to visit Clarines in 1 week. He wants to go and visit every country to try to mend broken alliances since he just became king. For some reason he requested for the 'red-haired pharmacist' to be present when he comes next week. We were in no position to refuse. So we came to take you back to Wistal castle tomorrow." Zen said with a smile on his face.
As soon as Zen finished speaking Shirayuki shouted out "No, I don't want to." She had a serious look on her face. Everyone looked up at her confused.
"What do you mean no?" Zen asked with a worried look on his face.
"Oh nothing, I would be honored to go." Shirayuki said with a big bright smile that lit up the room. Everyone looked even more confused by her response.
"Are you sure your alright, Shirayuki?" Mitsuhide asked with a worries look on his face. Shirayuki just gave a small nod.
"How long have I been asleep?" Shirayuki asked.
"About 5 hours, we were really worried about you." Kiki said.
"Oh, well I feel fine so how about we go get something to eat?" Shirayuki asked. Everyone nodded in agreement.

The next day

"Do you have all your stuff packed?" Zen asked to Shirayuki in the morning. Shirayuki gave a nod in response. Zen helped carry all of Shirayuki's bag out to the carriage. "We'll be riding in the carriage and Mitsuhide, Kiki, and Obi will ride on horse back." Shirayuki just gave a smile.
Zen and Shirayuki both climbed in the carriage and they then took off. They mainly just talked and caught up with Eachother since they haven't seen eachother in a while.
When they finally arrived t Wistal castle, nobody was prepared for what was waiting for them.

Sorry for the short and boring chapter. I have been busy getting ready for school. Next chapter I promise to be better and exciting!!

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