Part XI You'll always return to me

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Shirayuki POV

"Shirayuki, its almost time to go. Are you ready?" I heard zen call from outside of my door.
"Do i really have a choice?" I shouted back at him.
"No you dont" a voice from inside of my closet said. Slowly Soba started to walk out into my sight. "Here you go, wear this." He handed me a black suitcase. "Just remember, dont disappoint me." Soba finished.
I slowly started to open the suitcase. What i saw was nothing short of shocking. My hands started shaking and i dropped the suit case. A black, gold, and green outfit fell out.(There is a picture of it at the top of this chapter) "No, No, Please no. Anything but that." Shirayuki said going insane.
"SHIRAYUKI! WHATS WRONG? PLEASE OPEN UP." Zen was calling from the other side of her door. I fell to the floor with my knees right up against my chest. I couldn't believe he would go that far. I could hear the door busted down, but i couldn't even bring myself to look up. Next thing i knew, I was in an embrace by Zen. I clutched on to him and my body just kept shaking.

I slowly opened my eyes just to notice that i was wearing the outfit out of the suitcase. Zen was standing in front of me and said "You look beautiful in that." For once in my life i finally felt happy in the outfit.
"Phoenix, you look like your ready to start killing again." I heard Soba say from standing in the window.
"wait, what. No i swore i would never kill again." I said in response.
I turned around and saw a smile on Zen's face. "It doesn't matter what you do, as long as you are beautiful while doing so." Zen said.
"What are you saying, I can't kill again." I said in response.
"Shirayuki, your a monster." said a voice from across the room. It was mitsuhide. He slowly walked in between me and Zen. "I won't let such a person get near the Prince."
"Wait, Mitsuhide, what are you saying, I thought we were friends." I said in a pleading voice.
"You put on a good facade, but we can see through it now. With your powers, you can only be described as despicable. You are not human." Came a new voice in the door way. It was Kiki. "Please get behind up prince." she said while walking up next to Mitsuhide.
I was surrounded by who i though were my friends. Next, Obi appeared. "Mistress, I swore my loyalty to you, no matter what you become, i will always protect you." I started to smile. This time i thought nothing could ruin it. Until, blood was everywhere. I looked down and saw a blade go through obi's heart.
"Noooo!" i screamed
"We dont need any traitors in the castle." Mitsuhide said pulling his sword out of Obi.
I turned around and saw King Soba standing there waiting for me. I ran straight into his arms without a second thought and cried my eyes out.

Zen's  POV
Shirayuki was not alright. I could tell that much at least. She was passed out and shivering in my arms. I had no idea what to do.
      "You need to get her away from here. Bring here to a place separate from the castle." King soba said standing in the door way.
       I stood up leaving shirayuki on the floor and walked up to Soba and grabbed his collar. "You son of a... What did you do to her." I said angrily
       "I merely returned her suit that she would wear when killing the ones she loved" soba responded with a smirk growing on his face. Soba walked passed me and over towards shirayuki. He bent down and picked her up. "You are not capable of helping her." He said then jumped out of the window. I ran to the window but they were already gone.

    So sorry I haven't updated in a while, I'm unfortunately all out of excuses. So all I'm gonna say is that I have been busy with school.

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