Part XVI Deals

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"Where are we going?" Shirayasha questioned Izana as they ran out of the castle.

Izana looked at her and said "Anywhere but here." They continued running til they saw a carriage ready to go. The three of them hopped in and they were off. Away from the disaster of a country Vassness was.

After about an hour on the road Obi finally spoke, "I have to go back, I have to help master."

"Then go," Izana said and Obi was gone. It was just Izana and Shirayasha in the carriage now.

"I saw the future," Shirayasha suddenly said.

Izana looked at her in the eyes and asked "what did you see?"

"However much i ship Shirayuki and Zen, the odds are not in their favor."

Zen was walking down the long hallway alone looking for Shirayuki's room. He stopped when he noticed a large door labeled 'Phoenix'. He decided to knock on the door. Within seconds, the door opened to reveal Shirayuki. "Come in," she said.

He walked into the large plain room. You would never be able to guess that someone live in the room because there was nothing except a bed, dresser, and a desk.

They walked over to the bed and they both sat down. Zen stared at his hands that were clasped together in his lap.

"Im pregnant," Shirayuki suddenly said.

A smile formed on Zen's face and he looked her in the eye and said, "I know." He suddenly pulled her into an embrace and said "Ive missed you."

Shirayuki started to cry as she said "Ive missed you too."

They stood like that for a few minutes before Zen broke the hug and planted his lips on hers. The kiss started off sweet and gentle, then it got heated as they both fought for dominance. Shirayuki pulled away since she needed to catch her breath.

They both crawled further into the bed and just laid down next to each other holding hands. "Come back home with me," Zen said sweetly.

"I would if I could." Shirayuki responded. She shifted her head so that it was leaning on his shoulder. "I love you Zen."

"I love you too," Zen responded before planting a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I don't know what will happen to this child," shirayuki quietly said.

Zen sat up and looked at her and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I mean i am not human, and you are. This child will most likely be a half breed, that is, if it survives. As far as i know, no mage has ever had a child, its one of the unspoken rules we follow. And if this child does survive, and people know a half mage exists, they will come out of the woodworks to take it away from us." Shirayuki responded.

"We will be there to protect it," Zen said.

Yeah, we Shirayuki though to herself.

A knock was head at the door and a maid walked in and said, "I am sorry to disrupt you Lady Phoenix, but lord Soba requires your presence immediately." with that, the maid excused herself and left.

"I better go then," shirayuki said as she looked into the ocean blue eyes.

"What is it?" Shirayuki asked harshly as she entered the King's camber.

Soba let out a sigh and said, "It seems the kingdom to the west wants to invade my country, I am sending you out to defeat their army before they have a chance to make it onto my soil."

Shirayuki was shocked, "You want me to fight an entire army alone?"

"Yes, is that a problem?" Soba asked her.

"Of course not, but if i do this for you, i am leaving and going back to Clarines." She responded.

Soba looked pissed off but said, "Fine" but he knew, there was no way she was gonna be able to defeat one of the worlds biggest army's alone.

See, I told you I would have the story updated, we are really close to the end, only a few more parts. Remember to vote and comment, and the next part will be out shortly.

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