Part XIV The End

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     Shirayuki's POV

 I opened my eyes to find myself in a white room. The only sounds that could be heard were those of the beeping machines off in the distance. I went to put on hand on my abdomen and noticed it was flat. 

One Month Ago

"Is she alive?" Kiki asked while running over to Zen who was carrying a battered Shirayuki.

Zen gave a sigh of relief as he said "Yes, and we are going home." The entered the castle to pack their belongings to get ready to leave as soon as possible. Once the carriage was ready to go, Zen laid Shirayuki on one of the benches in the carriage. She and Zen took the inside of the carriage while Kiki, Mitsuhide, and Obi rode the horses. The ride home took a few days as they did not want to go too fast and bother Shirayuki. She was a mess. She still had not woken up, and they did not know when she would. 

When they finally arrived at the castle, Garrack came running out and immediately took shirayuki to the medical wing of the building. She hooked injected some medicine into her and prayed she would wake up soon. She did some test on the baby and found that it was still alive and kicking.

Over the next few weeks, everyone had dropped by to check on Shirayuki almost every day, but there was still no sign of her waking up.

"You have to wake up," said Shirayasha said to her best friends still asleep on the bed. "I have been planning your wedding, but it's hard to do when i cannot get your feedback," she said with a grin. 

She placed her hand on Shirayuki's stomach and noticed alot of movement. She knew this was labor since she experienced it when her mother gave birth to her little sister, who unfortunately died during birth. "Garrack!" she yelled to the chief pharmacist. "She in labor!" she continued yelling.

Garrack raced into the room with all the necessary equipment and shouted "Get the prince!"

Shirayasha ran out of the room and started searching frantically for Zen. When she found him he was in his office filling paperwork with the help of his aids. "It's Shirayuki," She said while out of breath.

"Did she wake up?" Zen asked with a hint of hope in his voice.

"No, but she is about to give birth." Shirayasha finally got out. 

Everyone got up and started running towards the medical wing. On the way Zen asked "Can someone even give birth while in a coma?"

"It's rare, but there are some cases where it has happened, although the child usually died. But Shirayuki is not human, so they can both survive this." Shirayasha manages to finally get out. 

They arrived at the medical wing to see Shirayuki still fast asleep breathing erratically. Zen walked over to her and held her hand and said "It's gonna be alright, I promise." His aids, Kiki, Mitsuhide and Obi decided to leave the room to give them a moment. 

Garrack proceeded to make the first incision into Shirayuki's abdomen (I know they probably did not have the means to perform surgery in their time, but just go with it.)

It took a few hours, but once they heard the crying of a baby, everyone stopped. Garrack lifted the baby and handed the baby to Zen. "It's a boy." She said as she handed him off. "Take him out of her so I can close Shirayuki up." She finished and Zen left the room. The baby's hair was half red and half white with crystal blue eyes.

Both Zen and Shirayasha left the room and as they did, Shirayasha took the baby out of Zen's hands, since he was in a state of shock, she did not think she should be holding the baby. She led Zen to one of the bathrooms and she started to wash off the blood on the baby. "She should have woken up," Zen said as he started to sob.

"She will," Shirayasha assured him, "just give her some time." Once the baby was clean off, she sat Zen down on the toilet and handed him his child. Zen started sobbing when he looked at his son's face, it looked exactly like Shirayuki.

 Kiki, Mitsuhide, and Obi ran into the bathroom after hearing the cries of their prince. The three of their eyes went soft after seeing the picture in front of them. They led Zen back to the room Shirayuki was in. Zen stood by Shirayuki's head while holding their son and said, "just look how perfect he is, just like you. What should we name him? Do you have names in mind for him? or were you waiting? It doesn't matter, just please wake up so you can hold our son," and when he finished, he broke down in tears again. Garrack came in and took the baby to make sure he was healthy, and Zen followed her.

One week later

Zen and Shirayasha had become close in the week since the baby was born. She knew more about babies then anyone else in the castle and she made sure Zen always knew what he was doing. Zen's aids came into the room and they went soft when they saw their prince being all lovey dovey with his son. It made their hearts melt. Everything was perfect except the fact that Shirayuki was still asleep.

Shirayuki's POV

I started freaking out when i noticed my baby belly was gone. Did i lose our baby? My body was so sore from all the laying down so when i got up, i was in excruciating pain. It did not matter know, I had to find out where i was and what happened. I made my way out of the small room i was in and noticed it was in the medical wing of the castle. I was relieved to know i was home. I kept walking until i heard cooing noises from a room across from mine. I knocked on the door and received a 'come in' in response.

Third POV

The group was in the nursery playing with the still nameless baby boy when they heard a knock at the door. They assumed it was Garrack so they just said come in. When the door opened, they were all shook to see Shirayuki standing there, looking like she was just resurrected from the dead. 

Instead of Zen running over to her and kissing her, he merely held up their baby and said "welcome home."


Im so sorry it took me so long to update, I really have no excuse other than laziness, but thank you so much to everyone that made it to the end. If you have any unanswered questioned about the book, just comment them and I will respond to them. This was the first fan fiction I had ever written and I learned so much and I cannot believe this is the end. Thank you so much again for reading!

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