Part X: A friend

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(Flash Back)

12 years ago

The four mages are 6 years old, this takes place one year before King Soba took them in

"Look a village, fire mage." The water mage said excitedly. "We can finally restock our supplies."

"You know we can't let people see our faces, we possess the body of a 6 year old but we have the same brain as all of our previous incarnations. If people see a group of 6 year olds walking around without an adult, we will be in big trouble." The fire mage said sternly. "We are lucky enough to have each other, we dont want to take any risks that could possibly separate us. Please, this is only to protect us."

The other 3 mages just let out a sigh.

"You have never failed us before and you are always right, we will listen to you." The Earth mage said.

The 4 little girls continued to walk through the woods, and they walked for a week before something happened.

The sound of a branch snapping could be heard by all the girls.

The fire mage immediately jumped in front of the group and took a fighting stance. A young boy about the age of 9 walked out from behind a tree with his hands in the air.

"Who are you" The fire mage demanded.

"It is extremely dangerous for 4 little girls to be out in the woods on their own." The little boy responded

"Answer the question." The fire mage said, the other 3 mages cowering behind her.

"I am known as Soba." The little boy said."Now answer my question, who and what are you doing out here."

"We are no one important, we have no names." The fire mage said. "What are you doing here."

"I can be here if i want to be, I own this land you are on. It belongs to my family. So the real question is what are you doing here." Little Soba said.

"Retreat" The fire mage wispered to the other 3 mages. The fire mage drew a line in between her and Soba out of fire.

"Is this really real." Soba said, but when he looked up, the 4 mages were gone.

The 4 mages meet up around 1 mile away from where the separated. It had started to snow that night.

"We made it out without revealing anything. Thanks to you Fire mage." The Air mage said.

"There is no need to thank me, I only did what was necessary to protect my family." The fire mage said. The other 3 mages just gave a smile in response.

The 4 mages set up camp in a small clearing in the middle of the forest. "I will be back, I will go out and get us some food for the week. Please stay here and protect the camp." The fire mage said. With that, she was off.

The fire mage traveled for an hour until she came across a small mansion near a castle. The fire mage was snopping around the house when a girl around her age came out of the mansion. She looked as though she worked all day. She was covered in dirt and bruises. She had pure white hair that was now covered in dust. She had on a heavy winter jacket though to protect her from the snow. The fire mage couldn't help but go towards her.

"What are you doing here and who are you." The little girl asked the fire mage.

"I am no one important, I have no identity, I am only here in order to get some food for my family." The fire mage said innocently. "Who are you?"

"I am shiroyasha, daughter of a noble from this country. I am currently training in court to be married off for political power for my father." Shiroyasha said.

The fire mage realized something. "You seem way to mature for your age."

"I could say the same about you." Shiroyasha said.

"Fair enough." The fire mage responded

"If its food your looking for, you can follow me. In this manor its just me and my maid, and theres no way we can't eat all the food here." Shiroyasha said. As they were walking through the manor, the fire mage asked "Why be so nice to a stranger like me."

"If you were someone i should fear, You would have hurt me already or threatened me." Shiroyahsa said. The fire mage just gave a small smile.

Once the fire mage had gotten enough supplies for the week, Shiroyasha said "Please come back anytime, it gets lonely out here with no one my age." the fire mage mearly nodded and was gone.

Over the next month, the fire mage would go to see Shiroyasha once a week for supplies and company. The other 3 mages didn't know that the fire mages was becoming close with a human though.

On day when the fire mage was visiting Shiroyash, Shiroyasha said "You need a name, i dont ever know what to call you when you are hear."

"Some one like me doesn't deserve a name." the fire mage responded.

"Well than you are gonna have to change to be worthy of the name i give you." Shiroyasha said. The fire mage looked shocked then she let out a chucked and said "alright"

"Hmmm. How about shirayuki.' Shiroyasha came up with.

"Why shirayuki?" the fire mage asked

"Well. Hmmm. i got it. Shira means white, which comes from my names, and yuki meaning snows since it was snowing the first time we met." Shiroyasha said.

the fire mage let out a small chuckle. "Shirayuki, I like it."

"Then from now on, I shall address you as Shirayuki." Shirayasha said.


Thanks for the idea of doing a flash back deathbuckscoffee .  I finally felt motivated to write today, and will do another update again soon. The next chapter or two will continue the flash back and reveal more and more mysteries from Shirayuki's past. And I know that most 6 year olds can't do what I'm depicting them to do, but thats whats so great about fan fictions, anything can happen.

Again thanks for reading 

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