Kitty Finds Out

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It had been three days since I found out. Ryder was the only one who knew. I hadn't told anyone else yet. I was afraid of what their reactions would be.

"Marcia, sweetie! Kitty here!" called my mom. I had a test the next day and Kitty and I were studying together.

"Send her up!" I called back, not taking my eyes off of my Biology text book. I herd my door creak open and my bed go down on one side as Kitty sat down.

"I'm sorry I'm late. Parents are getting on my case about dating Artie." she said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Oh, cause he's OLDER and gone off to COLLAGE and he could cheat on me with a collage girl and all that crap." she replied. "My parents are so stupid sometimes."

"Artie doesn't seem like the guy to cheat." I pointed out. "Have they met him yet?"

"No and they're not gonna. They might judge him because he's in a wheelchair. At least, my mom will. She's such a bitch sometimes."

"Now I know where you get it from."

Kitty hit me, nearly knocking me off the bed. We both laughed as we opened our textbooks and began to study.

After about 20 minutes of silent studies, Kitty said, "I gotta pee. Where's the bathroom?"

I pointed my pencil towards the bathroom in me bedroom. Kitty nodded and got up to use. I continued to study. It didn't come to my mind that my pregnancy test was in the garbage where Kitty could see it.

I heard the door open, but Kitty didn't come out. I looked up to see her standing in the doorway with something in her hand. I raised an eyebrow as I tried to see what it was.

"What's that?" I asked.

"A pregnancy test that says positive and it better not be yours." she said. My eyes widened. Kitty quickly caught on. "Marcia, is this positive pregnancy test yours?"

I felt tears sting my eyes as I looked away from her. She was mad at me. She was gonna tell everyone and everyone was gonna hate me.

Kitty quickly came over and sat next to me. She quickly hugged me as I cried on her Cheerios uniform. She rubbed my back soothingly.

"Is it Ryder's?" she asked. I nodded. "Does he know?"

"I told him yesterday." I cried. "He ignored me today and I think that's why. What if he breaks up with me, Kitty? I love him so much."

"Ryder is not that kind of guy. Trust me. But, if he breaks up with you just because you're pregnant with his child, then you don't need him." she pulled me away to look at her. "I'll help you raise this child if need be."

"Really?" I asked, wiping away my tears.

"Of course. You're my best friend." she said. "Now, does your parents know?"

"No. I'm afraid to tell them."

"When you do, I'll be here, okay? I'll make sure they don't freak too much."

"Thank you so much, Kitty." I said. "You're my best friend."

"I know I am." she said. "Now, does Kitty Kat have to scratch Ryder Lynn's eyes out tomorrow?"

"No!" I said. "Kitty Kat, declaw. This is Finn Week. It's a week to remember Finn and not have all this drama. I do not want you to do anything. Next week, I can't hold you back, but this week, I want you to be good, okay? No one else knows. I'm going to tell them before Sectionals."

Kitty sighed.

"Okay." she said. "But if he breaks up with you, I can't be accountable for my actions."

"I know, Kitty Kat." I said and teasingly petted Kitty's head. She playfully hissed at me, causing both of us to laugh.

For a moment, I forgot everything.

I'm...Pregnant? (Sequel to The New Girl)Where stories live. Discover now