Hudson Blaine Lynn

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*Kitty's POV*

After we won Nationals, we rushed for the hospital. Ryder left with Marcia when she went into labor. I couldn't believe this was happening. My best friend was giving birth.

"Hi. Where's Marcia Hales' room?" Mr. Schue asked the woman at the counter.

"I'm afraid you can't go in there quite yet. She's still in labor," the woman said. "Once she's given birth, you are free to go in."

"Thank you."

We sat and waited. So many things were running through my mind. What if Marcia didn't make it? Ryder would be destroyed. What would he do with the baby if she didn't make it? Give it away, probably.

As all these thoughts ran through my head, Mike took my hand. I looked over at him.

"You're worried, aren't you?" I asked.

"A little," he replied. "My mom told me this story about a girl she knew who passed away after giving birth to her child."

"How old was she?"


I put my other hand over Mike's and turned to him.

"Don't worry, Mike. Marcia is 17. She's a very strong woman and I believe that she'll get through this, okay?"


He leaned against me and I wrapped my arms around him. We sat there for hours, waiting for someone, anyone.

I was nearly asleep when Ryder came out. Everyone looked up at him. He didn't seem upset. That was a good sign.

"It's a boy," he said. Everyone smiled and looked at each other.

"What about Marcia?" Mike asked.

"She's fine. Actually, she wants you and Kitty to come in and see him first."

Mike and I looked at each other. We stood up and followed Ryder to Marcia's room.

*Marcia's POV*

I didn't think labor would ever be that painful, but it was worth it. Now, I had my little bundle of joy in my arms.

My little baby boy was wrapped in a blue blanket with his little eyes closed. The doctors had to do a quick check up on both of us, but we were both fine. Ryder had gone out to get Kitty and Mike. I wanted them to see him first.

Ryder came back in with a smile on his face. Kitty and Mike followed. Kitty covered her mouth and gasped when she seen the little baby.

"He's beautiful, Marcia," she said. "He looks just like Ryder."

"He does, doesn't he?" I said. "Wanna hold him?"

Kitty nodded. I leaned over to pass her my baby boy. I helped her to support his head and his little body.

"He's so small," she mused.

"What'd you guys name him?" Mike asked.

I looked at Ryder. "Do you wanna tell them? Or should I?"

"You tell them," he said.

I looked back at Mike and Kitty who were looking at me with curiosity. A large smile crossed my face as I said, "His names Hudson. Hudson Blaine Lynn."

"Hudson?" Kitty asked. "After Finn?"

I nodded. "I had already planned to name him after Finn, but I didn't want to name him Finn exactly because there's already one amazing Finn Hudson and no one can take his place. So I decided to name him Hudson."

"And Blaine after Blaine Anderson," Ryder added. "Can I tell them who the godparents are?"

"Go ahead."

"Kitty." Kitty looked up at Ryder. "If anything should happen to Marcia and I, it's your duty to get little Hudson here through school."

Kitty's eyes widened as she looked from Ryder to me.

"Are-are you saying-?" she began.

"You're Hudson's godmother. We decided together. You were the first to know about me being pregnant and you helped me through the whole thing. And I thank you for that. You're the bestest friend I could ever ask for," I said. Kitty gave me a hug, being careful not to crush Hudson in the process.

"Can I hold him now?" Mike asked.

"Yeah sure. Kitty, would you mind passing Mike his nephew?" I asked.

Kitty turned to Mike and passed him Hudson. He was careful to hold the baby boy in his arms.

"Hey there buddy," he said. "I'm your Uncle Mike. Your dad and I are gonna teach you to play football and play drums and sing. Your mom and your Aunt Kitty are gonna spoil you rotten. I can promise you that."

I laughed. "Of course I'm gonna spoil him. He's my baby boy."

I leaned over to kiss Hudson's tiny bald head. He opened his little eyes and looked around. He didn't cry. He took a moment to register what was going on before his little face turned red. Mike hurried to pass him back to me so that he wouldn't cry.

I rocked Hudson so that he wouldn't begin to cry. Those 8 1/2 months of pregnancy were totally worth it now that I had little Hudson in my arms.

I had almost forgot about Nationals, but I didn't care if we had won or not. All I cared about was my little bundle of joy in my arms and my amazing boyfriend by my side.

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