Week Of Finn

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My heart was pounding. I couldn't believe this was happening. I couldn't believe I was pregnant. My parents were going to kill me when they found out. And Ryder.

I couldn't even think about what Ryder would do or say. What if he broke up with me? What if he didn't want the baby? What if he wanted me to get rid of it?

No. I would not get rid of this child. I was going to give birth to him or her and I would raise him or her. Whether Ryder wanted to be a part of his child's life was his decision.

Mr. Schue walked into the choir room. My attention was drawn to him as I tried to forget the fact that there was another human growing inside me.

"Alright guys. This next week is going to be...a bit sad." he said. "Since it's November and Finn's birthday was in November, I decided that this week will be the Week of Finn."

He walked over to the whiteboard and wrote "FINN HUDSON". Cory raised his hand.

"Yes Cory." Mr. Schue said.

"Who's Finn?" Cory asked.

"Have you guys noticed that plaque over there?" asked Jake and he gesturing to the plaque that Rachel brought in the year before. The newbies nodded. "That's Finn."

"Finn used to go to McKinley." Kitty continued. "He graduated two years ago. Last year, he was the co-coach of Glee club."

"What happened to him?" asked Heather.

The Junior members looked at each other with sad looks on their faces.

"He died." Marley finally said. "Last January."

"A year in two months." Mr. Schue said, mainly to himself. "Finn was a big part of this Glee Club. He was the first popular person to ever talk to the original New Directions when they were known as losers. He was the leader of the group. His death affected a lot of people in different ways. Even Coach Sylvester stopped trying to get rid of the Glee Club when he died because she was grieving."

"He meant something different to everyone." I added. "And now he's an angel."

"This week, we will be celebrating his life." Mr. Schue said. "We'll be singing songs he sang. The New Direction Almuni will be coming in tomorrow to do the Week of Finn as well."

I looked at Ryder. He was looking at his lap and looked rather upset. He had a close bond with Finn. Finn found him and convinced him to join the Glee club. They were friends. I didn't know Finn that well, but I knew him enough that my heart broke when I heard he died.

The bell rang, signaling that lunch was over and we had to go back to class. The club got up and collected their books.

"Hey, Marcia. Can I ask you something?" Ryder said.

"Yeah. What's up?" I asked. I hoped he wasn't going to ask why I was acting so strange. I don't know how I was supposed to tell him I was pregnant.

"Will you meet me in the auditorium after school?"

I mentally sighed and said, "Sure. I'd love to."

"Great. See you then."

He kissed my cheek and raced off to class. As I watched him go, something inside of me wished that I had told him. He deserved to know. This was his child after all.

I walked to class and tried to forget everything running through my head.

As I promised, I met Ryder in the auditorium. He was standing on stage, smiling down at me. I returned his smile.

I'm...Pregnant? (Sequel to The New Girl)Where stories live. Discover now