First Sonogram

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Early on a Saturday morning in April, I woke up early and got ready to go down to the doctor. I was 7 months pregnant and I was starting to get huge. I was having my first sonogram that day. I was so nervous. I kept thinking that the doctor was going to tell me that there was something wrong with the baby or something like that.

Once I had gotten ready, I went to the living room and waited for Ryder.

"Hey Marcia," said Kevin, who was wearing only jeans at the moment. "You're up early on a Saturday."

"I'm having my first sonogram today," I explained. "Where's mom?"

"Upstairs in bed."

"Ew!" I said and Kevin laughed. I'm totally okay with seeing Kevin and mom kiss. But no kid and I mean NO KID wants to know that their mom is having sex. It's just a gross and weird thought.

"No like that!" Kevin laughed. "We were watching movies last night and she fell asleep. I have work today, so I had to get up early. So, I'm guessing Ryder is driving you to the doctor."

"Yeah. We're really excited to find out what gender the baby is," I said. All my scary thoughts about the baby not being okay and healthy came back as I said that. I felt my heart pounding. I took deep breaths to try and calm myself down.

"Are you okay?" Kevin asked.

"I'm fine," I replied. "Just a little nervous."

"About the baby?" I nodded. Kevin sat down next to me. "Listen to me, Marcia. Worrying will only hurt the baby. There's nothing to worry about. You've made it to 7 months without anything wrong, so you will be fine."

"You have any kids?" I asked. I knew Kevin had never been married, but that doesn't mean that he couldn't've had kids before.

"Almost," he replied. "I was 18. My girlfriend was the same age. We were at a party and got drunk and one thing led to another and soon enough, my girlfriend was walking around school with a 4 month baby bump."

"What happened?"

"She had a miscarriage. She was home by herself and couldn't drive herself to the hospital. She tried calling me, but I was at a movie with my friends and I had my phone off. By the time her parents got home and I called her back, she had died from blood loss."

"I'm so sorry," I said and rubbed Kevin's back.

"It's fine. I've found your mother. Now you and Mike are in my life. You're the two kids I've always wanted."

"You know how to get on a girl's good side."

Kevin laughed. I leaned over to give him a hug. There was a honk outside and I knew that it was Ryder. I said goodbye to Kevin and told him to tell mom that I was gone to the doctor.

"Hey babe," Ryder said and gave me a kiss. "You're glowing, beautiful."

I blushed and said, "Thank you."

As we drove to the doctor, I decided to ask, "What do you want it to be?"

"What do you mean?" Ryder asked.

"The baby. Do you want it to be a boy or a girl?"

Ryder smiled. "I honestly don't care, but if we have a baby girl, I'd love that. I could have a daddy's girl."

"If it's a boy, I bet he'll be a mama's boy," I said.

"Of course he'll be. He has the best and most beautiful mommy in the world."

I blushed again.

Ryder pulled up to the doctor and helped me out. We walked in and sat down. We had an appointment and had to wait for our names to be called.

I was starting to get anxious. I just wanted to know that the baby was completely healthy and I would have him or her in the next two months when I gave birth. I was also a little nervous for my health. I wanted to know that I'd be okay to give birth.

Finally, the woman behind the counter called, "Marcia Hales and Ryder Lynn?"

"That's us," Ryder said as we stood up.

"Third door on your left down that hall," she told us.

Ryder and I walked to the room. Ryder sat down on a chair and I laid down on the little bed. Ryder took my hand and rubbed it soothingly.

"It's gonna be okay," he reminded me. "Everything's gonna be okay."

I closed my eyes and just listened to his words. I tried to keep myself calm. Everything would be okay. Everything was going to be okay.

I opened my eyes again when the doctor entered. He was an elderly man with a sweet face and a sweet smile.

"Marcia and Ryder?" he asked. We nodded. "Nice to meet you two. My name is Dr. Carmichael. Marcia, you're 7 months pregnant, correct?"

"Yes sir," I said.

"No complications yet?"

"No sir."

"Alright. Let's have a look then, huh?"

Dr. Carmichael pulled up my shirt just enough to reveal my big bump. He took something and put jelly on my stomach. I flinched a bit as the cold jelly hit my skin. Dr. Carmichael took the wand and moved it over my stomach. I looked at the little screen for a moment. It just looked like a whole lot of nothing until-

"There he is," Dr. Carmichael said. "A very healthy baby boy."

"A boy?" I said, nearly in tears. I looked over at Ryder. "A Finn."

"A Finn," he agreed. "Excuse me, doctor. I have a question."

"What is it, son?" Dr. Carmichael said as he turned off the screen and pulled my shirt back down.

"Marcia," Ryder began. "She's...uh...she's-"

"Young?" Dr. Carmichael offered. Ryder nodded. "You're worried about her when she gives birth. I can tell you this, Ryder. Marcia will be 100% okay when she gives birth and will be 100% if not more after she gives birth. You have nothing to worry about."

"Thanks, doc," Ryder said.

Dr. Carmichael went off to get us a picture of the sonogram. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and sent a quick text to Kitty and Blaine.

To: Kitty Kat, Blainers

I'm having a baby Finn!!

From: Kitty Kat

Congrats girl! I'm so happy for you!

From: Blainers

Amazing! Congratulations Marcia. Tell Ryder I said congratulations, too.

I looked up at the ceiling of the room for a moment as we waited for Dr. Carmichael to return. I couldn't believe it. I was having a baby boy. A healthy baby boy.

I'm...Pregnant? (Sequel to The New Girl)Where stories live. Discover now