Telling Everyone

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Ryder and I agreed that we would tell everyone the following Monday. And by everyone, I mean the Glee club, my mom and Mike and Ryder's parents.

We had no Glee meeting on Monday, so Ryder, Kitty and I put out the news that there was an "Important Glee club meeting" that everyone had to attend, especially Mr. Schue. Mr. Schue was there for Quinn when she was pregnant and I knew that he would be there for me when I told him.

Finally, when everyone arrived at the choir room and sat down, Ryder and I stood up in front of the room. I didn't realize how nervous I was until Ryder whispered, "Babe, you're shaking."

"I'm nervous," I whispered back.

"Don't be. Kitty is already by your side through this and Mike is your brother, which means he's definitely gonna be there and Jake is my best friend." I giggled at Ryder's logic. "See? No need for worrying."

"Guys?" Kevin said. "What's all this about? Why did you call an emergency meeting?"

I let out a nervous sigh and blurted, "I'm pregnant."

Everyone went silent. They looked around, stunned by the news.

"You're joking, right?" Mike finally said. "This is some sort of joke, right? Please tell me this is some sort of joke."

"It's not," Ryder said. "It-it sort of happened on Marcia's birthday. I got caught up in the moment and totally forgot to use protection."

"Are you keeping it?" Candy asked.

"We've already agreed that we will keep and raise the baby as our own. I will not be dropping out of school and neither will Ryder. If we have to, we'll get a nanny that the baby can go with during the day," I replied.

"Looks like you've really thought this through," Mr. Schue commented. "Listen, I've been through this before with Quinn and I promise you guys that the Glee club is always here for you no matter what happens. Pregnancy while a teen is the longest 9 months you'll go through."

"I've heard," I muttered.

"Does mom know?" Mike asked.

"Neither of our parents know. We're going to tell them tonight," Ryder replied. "I can already see the disappointment on my father's face when I tell him."

"You're free to stay with us. You know, as long as mom doesn't kick me out when I tell her," I said.

"She won't kick you out," Mike said and stood up. "Because I won't let her. You're my sister and pregnant or not, I'm there by your side through everything and anything. Plus, I really want to meet me niece or nephew."

"Group hug!" Marley announced causing the whole Glee club to race up and give Ryder and I hugs. I giggled. Glee club, check. Next thing is telling mom.

I had plenty of times to tell my mom. When she picked Mike and I up from school, when I was doing my homework, when I helped her make supper. Every time, however, I chickened out last minute.

Ryder had texted me to tell me that his parents were fully supportive of us through this whole thing because "life is a miracle and children are gifts, so there is no need to get mad when one is made". Pretty deep. I hoped my mom would have the same reaction.

Finally, supper time came around and I knew that it was now or never to tell her. Once Mike and I had the table set and mom placed our supper (hot dogs!) on the table, I decided it was the perfect time to tell her.

"Mom, I have something to tell you," I began. Mike looked at me from across the table, knowing what I was about to say.

"What is it, sweetheart?" mom asked. I swallowed my fear and just said it.

"Mom, I-I'm pregnant."

There was the same silence I heard when we told the Glee club. Mom just looked at me with astonishment on her face. Mike looked back down at his plate, playing around with his food. I felt tears sting my eyes as I took this silence to continue.

"W-we were careful, I swear. We had protection and we were going to use it. But things got heated and-and we were caught up in the moment and one thing led to another and now-"

I trailed off, tears running down my cheeks. Mom didn't speak. I thought this meant that she was upset. I prepared for the yelling, the name calling and for her to tell me to leave and never come back. I looked down at the table and silently cried.

"I'm very disappointed in you," mom finally said. "But I'm not mad."

I looked up at her. Her face had softened and that's when I realized that worst case scenario was officially not happening.

"Y-you're not mad?" I asked, wiping my tears.

"Honey, I'm well aware that if you had known that Ryder forgot to put protection on, you wouldn't've slept with him. You're a very careful girl. I know that, you know that. Are you going to keep the baby?"

"Of course," I replied.

"Then I'm not mad." I smiled. "Actually, I am." My smile fell. "I'm too young to be a grandmother!" mom finished in a joking tone. I chuckled and stood up to hug my mother.

"Thanks mom," I said.

"For what?" she asked.

"For being the best mom ever."

I'm...Pregnant? (Sequel to The New Girl)Where stories live. Discover now