Hunter Clarington

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Before school the next day, I stopped at the Lima Bean for a quick coffee. I usually didn't like coffee, but I decided that since I was pregnant, I should start to grow up and drinking coffee was the closest thing to growing up, aside from bring pregnant.

As I was waiting for my coffee, I heard someone say, "Marcia Hales! Long time no see."

I turned around to see none other than Hunter Clarington.

"Hunter! It has been forever. How've you been?" I asked as I gave Hunter a big hug.

"I've been good! Dalton has been aloud to perform at Sectionals this year as long as we don't use steroids like we did last year," he replied. "I've seen the error of my ways and I will never ever do that again."

"Well, I'm proud of you Clarington."

Hunter chuckled. "What about you? You still with that Ryder guy?"

I looked to the ground as I replied, "Uh...yeah. I...uh...I'm having his baby."

Hunter looked shocked. I gave him a moment to take in the shock as the woman at the counter called out my coffee order. I took my coffee and turned back to Hunter.

"I was wondering why you looked like you were glowing," he finally said. "You'd be perfect as a mother, Marcia. You have all the mothering aspects. This baby is lucky to have you as a mom as Ryder is lucky to have you as a girlfriend."

I felt myself blush. "Thanks. So, do you have a girlfriend?"

"I do, actually. Her names Thalia. She goes to a private school that's the female equivalent to Dalton Academy. She's really nice and kind. She's really turned me around since what happened last year."

"Well, I'm glad to hear," I said. "Hey, aren't you supposed to be at school?"

"Classes don't start till 9:00 and I really needed a Lima Bean coffee," he replied. "I still have a few minutes if you'd like to sit down and talk for a bit."

"I'd love to."

Hunter got his coffee and paid for it. We went to sit down at a table near a window. We began to talk about Sectionals. It was a week away and neither one of us knew what the theme was.

"Mr. Schue has a knack for doing that," I commented. "He always waits till last minute to tell us what it is and to pick songs. Last year for Nationals, he chose songs we had already done. I think we should just handle the setlists from here on out."

"You might be right. From what I've heard, Mr. Schuester is more of an oldies guy and, depending on the judge, newer songs are a lot better than older ones," Hunter said. "I wish you guys luck, by the way. I heard about your Nationals win last year and I think you really deserved it. You work hard, unlike us."

"You guys totally work hard!" I argued. "You just got a little nervous and made a wrong decision so that you could win. Everybody makes mistakes. I mean, look at Justin Bieber!"

Hunter chuckled. "Bad comparison."

"Yeah, I know."

We both laughed and continued to drink our coffees. Hunter showed me a picture of Thalia as we spoke. She was a beautiful girl with long, ginger hair and bright blue eyes with a beautiful smile. Turns out, if McKinley won our Sectionals and her school won their Sectionals, we'd be going against them for Regional.

"So, if you win, then you'll be going against her," I said. "Are you gonna throw the competition just so she'll win?"

Hunter laughed and said, "I just might."

Hunter and I were good friends considering our rocky history. But, despite everything that happened between us, we were friends. He was the guy that took my mind off of Ryder when I believed that he didn't like me and he's the one that made me realize I had to tell Ryder I liked him and not let him go. In other words, Hunter could be thanked for mine and Ryder's relationship.

We talked for another few minutes before I had to rush off to school. Luckily, I made it before the final bell rang.

I raced into class and took my seat next to Marley in first period Chemistry. She raised an eyebrow at me.

"You're late," she whispered.

"No I'm not. I'm on time," I said.

"You're later than you usually are," she said.

"I was talking to an old friend at the Lima Bean."

I'm...Pregnant? (Sequel to The New Girl)Where stories live. Discover now