Signs and Tests

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It was that time of the year once again. The time where students have to listen to speeches and watch movies and read books and pamphlets about teen pregnancy and how bad it is and all that. It happens every year around the same time for 2-3 weeks. Today was day 1 and I was ready to kill myself.

We hear this crap every day. Teen pregnancy is bad, make sure to wear a condom. Blah, blah, blah. Nothing new. I don't even think the teachers like teaching it, but they have to. It's mandatory. Unfortunately, this is also the weeks they step up on ditching classes, which means everyone has to go through this torture together.

I was in my last period Health class, listening to the teacher drone on and on. Kitty was in Health with me, so luckily we got to go through this pain together.

The teacher decided to show us a movie to start off this agonizing topic. The movie was called Saved.

Saved was about a young, Christian girl named Mary who goes to this Christian school with all her Christian friends and her Christian boyfriend. Mary's boyfriend tells her that he's gay and Mary comes up with this plan to "save" him by losing her virginity to him. That doesn't work, however, and Mary's boyfriend is sent to a "Mercy House". Mary soon learns that she is pregnant with her boyfriend's child and has to hide it from everyone.

The class was coming to an end when Mary finally learned she was pregnant. She was watching this movie about Cancer with her mom. The person with Cancer revealed that she had missed her period and started getting sick, which made her believe that she was pregnant, but it was only the Cancer. And this is when I became aware of my situation.

Bruno Mars week was nearly 2 weeks ago. I had lost my virginity almost two months ago. I was getting sick every now and then (and not telling mom or Mike. I know. I broke my promise again).

My heart was starting to beat rapidly as I thought back to the last time I had my period. It was the month before I lost my virginity. How could I not notice that I wasn't on my period for almost two months?

"Marcia? Are you okay? You're pale and you look like you just saw a ghost." Kitty whispered to me.

I breathed, trying to calm down my heart rate.

"Y-Yeah. I-I'm fine." I stuttered. The school bell rang at that moment. I grabbed my books and raced out the door without another word to Kitty.

I pushed past the walking students and to my locker. I quickly unlocked it. I was shaking violently. I tried to think good thoughts. It might not be that. It might be something else. Don't get too stressed, Marcia. Don't get too stressed.

Once I had gotten everything, I raced out of the school doors and literally ran to the nearest corner store. Because I didn't have my actual drivers license, I couldn't drive a car unless someone with a license was in the car and I wasn't about to drive to get a pregnancy test with my mom.

I tried to act calm and cool in the corner store as I walked to get a test. I couldn't believe I was actually doing this. Why me?

Once I got one, I walked up to the counter, awkwardly.

"A pregnancy test?" asked the woman at the counter. She had to be in her late 30s or early 40s. "Aren't you a bit young to be buying one of these?"

"It's not mine." I lied. "It's-uh-for a friend who's too shy to buy it herself."

The woman at the counter looked at me. I began to sweat under her gaze. I felt like I was about to melt into a puddle on the floor.

"You don't have to lie to me." she finally said in a sweet voice. "You know, years ago it was the thing to have a child at 14 years old. You're, what, 18?"

"17, actually." I replied. "But things have changed, ma'am. Not many people respect a girl who gets pregnant at 17."

"You'd be surprised. Don't you watch those Teen Mom shows? Those girls are practically royalty just for getting knocked up at a young age. You seem a lot nicer than those girls. I think you'll be fine."

She told me how much the test was and I paid. She passed me the test so that I could hide it in my bag. I thanked her and raced home.

The only thing running through my mind was how upset my mom would be when she found out. She'd probably be so mad at me. I remember the stories Kurt had told me about his friend Quinn Fabray who got pregnant at a young age. Her parents actually kicked her out.

As I walked home, trying to seem normal, I began to think. What if I really was pregnant? I'd be a mother! I've always wanted to be a mom.

I made a decision that, no matter what happened and what anyone told me, I wouldn't give this baby up. If I was pregnant, I was going to keep this baby and raise it.

I tried not to think about what Ryder's reaction would be when he found out. I tried to think the best. He'd be happy, not upset. He'd be excited, not pissed. He'd love me even more and wouldn't break up with me. That's what I wanted.

Finally, I got home.

"You're late."

I jumped at the sound of Mike's voice. He was sitting in the living room playing video games with Cory.

"I didn't know you two were friends." I said, trying to remain calm.

"We became friends during Bruno Mars week." Cory replied.

"To answer you, Mike, I'm late because I walked home. I didn't want to take the bus. It smells like garbage and your gym socks and the bus driver hates me." I lied.

"The bus driver hates everyone." Mike said, not taking his eyes off the TV. That gave me some relief. He wasn't going to question me.

"I'm going up to my room. Call if you need anything." I said.

"I will MOM."

I let out a chuckled and walked, as calmly as I could, to my bedroom. As I came closer, my heart began to pound. I took deep breaths to calm myself down. I went into the bathroom that was in my bedroom and took the test.

Next was my least favorite thing. Waiting. I had to wait five minutes to find out if I was carrying my boyfriend's child. I had to wait five minutes to find out my future. Teen mother or regular teen.

Five minutes felt like five hours, especially at a moment like this. I tried everything to get my mind off of it. I listened to music, did a bit of homework, texted Ryder and Kitty, watched some YouTube videos. Anything that would take my mind off of that little stick on the bathroom counter.

Finally, five minutes was up. I got up off my bed and made my way to the bathroom. I picked up the stick in my hand and looked at it.


I, Marcia Hales, was pregnant.

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