Dad!Iceland x Mom!Reader: TV Time

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(Y/n) was fixing dinner until a small little (h/c) haired girl tugged at the hem of her mother's dress. She turned towards the child, her (e/c) orbs meeting purple ones.

"Mama! Mama!" A cheeky smile was plastered on the girl's lips.

"Yes, Birna?"

"Can I watch TV after dinner?" Birna gave her mother the infamous puppy eyes, hoping that (y/n) would say yes.

"Of course you can! Make sure you eat all of your greens, okay?" (Y/n) couldn't resist the puppy-eyed look, especially when Emil or Birna did it. It was probably the purple irises that made them so convincing. But it was an extreme rarity when her husband did it. It was usually saved for special occasions, which were very rare.


"Elska! I'm home!" Emil had just come home from a grueling meeting. His brother of course pestered him to no end, and Mathias never stopped joking around with him. Mr. Puffin was his usual normal self, but he knew to shut his birdy mouth up when he was home with Birna.

"Daddy's home! Daddy's home!" The little girl ran to her father, and wrapped her small arms around Emil's legs. He picked up his little girl, and gave her a peck to the cheek. Birna returned the gesture with her arms wrapped around the back of her father's neck, holding tightly as her father walked towards the kitchen.

"Welcome home, sweety." (Y/n) pecked her husband's cheek. Emil placed his daughter on the floor, and gave his wife a kiss on the lips.

"Dinner looks ready. We need to get washed up!" Emil and Birna walked hand-in-hand to the bathroom. (Y/n) mentally squealed at this cute moment with her daughter and husband.


Birna immediately jumped up from her seat after finishing her meal. Her small legs flew upstairs to her room, getting ready for her weekly 'TV Time'.

"Do you want me to help her?" Emil motioned as (y/n) picked up the dishes.

"You could help her with her dress and shoes. She knows how to slip on the wig." Birna loved to dress up as her favorite character whenever she had 'TV Time'.

A few minutes later, Birna emerged from her room dressed up as Stephanie from LazyTown.

"Yay!" Emil couldn't help but chuckle at her cuteness. Birna flew to her favorite spot on the rug, waiting patiently for the television to turn on to her favorite program.

(Y/n) switched on the television, just in time for the theme song to come on. Emil took his spot on the couch, his wife sitting next to him. The Icelander had a box of licorice with him, which he usually snacked on. His arm wrapped around the female, bringing her closer to his warm body. Her head rested on Emil's shoulder, their eyes meeting each other. 

"I love you." She muttered into his neck. Emil smiled and kissed his wife's forehead. 

"I love you too." They watched their little girl dance and sing along to the fun songs, clapping after every performance. 


The end credits rolled on the TV. Emil turned the device off, turning his head to his child. Birna was asleep, exhausted from the singing and dancing. Emil tucked his arms under her small body. He picked her up and moved her upstairs to her bed, careful to not wake the slumbering toddler. (Y/n) assisted him by taking off her shoes and neon pink wig. He draped the covers over her Birna, giving her a goodnight kiss and a teddy bear. His wife gave her a little kiss as well. 

They quietly exited the room, closing the door behind them. Emil grabbed (y/n)'s hand, squeezing it in assurance. 

Her lips met his into a beautiful kiss, fulfilling their promise to be together.


This fic was written a long time ago. I just found it and decided to publish this. With a few edits.

If you didn't know, the actor that plays Robbie Rotten is fighting pancreatic cancer. If you want to donate in some way to him, fund him on this link:

LazyTown is not mine and Iceland does not belong to me.


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