Sweden x Reader: Fika

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Fika: A small, relaxing coffee break accompanied with pastries, cakes, and the company of good friends.


She wrapped her hands around the coffee cup, sipping the warm and dark liquid. The drink was expertly prepared by her Swedish friend, Berwald. His masterful technique reflected upon the cup of coffee. 

(Y/n) was sitting on Berwald's porch, enjoying a small fika break with him. The table was adorned with trays of semlor, cinnamon buns, and other Swedish pastries. A coffee pot was placed in the middle of the table, alongside pitchers of cream and sugar. In front of her was a small slice of kladdkaka topped with whipped cream and chocolate shavings. 

She noticed the Swede, sipping his coffee and gazing at the snow outside. A chuckle left her lips, causing him to turn towards her.

"You really didn't need to do this." He took another sip, cornflower-blue eyes giving a gentle glance at the female. 

"You are my friend." (Y/n) smiled at his comment, causing him to blush a light shade of pink. "And friends enjoy the company of each other, nej?" 

"Hmm." A small sound emerged from her, in response to his comment. She picked up her fork, digging into the dense, gooey chocolate cake and fluffy whipped cream.

"It's very good!" Berwald smiled, pleased to know that his best girl friend enjoyed the cake. (Y/n) sipped at her coffee, letting the complex tones mix with the chocolatey flavor in her mouth. They continued their little coffee break in peace and quiet.

"(Y/n)." Berwald's bass tone broke the peaceful atmosphere. 


"You have a little bit of chocolate on your lips." The girl's face grew pink, mortified that her friend noticed the stain before she did. He got up and strolled towards her. His finger was placed under her chin, lifting up her face. Berwald bent down and placed his lips on hers. His tongue licked the chocolate off her mouth, making her grow into a lovely shade of crimson. 

"Sweet." He spoke, caressing the sides of her face and planting a small kiss to her forehead. She smiled sweetly as her lips offered another kiss, to which he accepted with pleasure.

From then on, Berwald and (y/n) had a coffee break almost every week, enjoying each one even more than the last. 


Things to know:

Semlor: Cardamom-flavored buns filled with almond paste and whipped cream. Usually eaten a week before Lent. 

Kladdkaka: A very gooey, dense chocolate cake served with whipped cream.


I'm so sorry if there are any grammar or factual mistakes. If so, please let me know.

Sweden does not belong to me.


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