Prologue II.

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I looked  through the shelves covered walls of the student council office one last time. I glanced at my watch. Oh shoot! Its already past nine. The serenity of this place had me lost track of time again. It only took me an hour to do my endorsement to Kendra who replaced me as the head of student council in college but it was more than the endorsement that ate my time it was talking to Kendra as I reminisced how last week was with her.

"I almost burst in tears during my speech." I told Kendra with enthusiasm. "Its not even caused by the hundreds of people looking at me and listening but the feeling of doing this for the last time." I added. Delivering speeches and doing public speaking are not new to me. I love to conquer the stage. It does not matter if it was about a call for a change as part of the council's project or if its in an effort to get my message across during a debate. I love it when I made use of the enemy's statement to actually support and strengthen my claim. She must have been bored with what I was saying. I have lost count of how many times she looked at her phone.

"You can go now, Kendra. I'll just tour the office one last time." I told her roaming my eyes around the room.

"I'm sorry..." she said apologetically. "The Hawk's farewell party to the captain had started."

"Oh, is it tonight? Go ahead. I'll be fine. You know where to find the keys. " I told her.

"Do you want to go with me?" She asked.

"Oh no! Not my thing." I told her bluntly. Boys, jocks to be exact are but good looking buffed men who carry brainless heads. Yes, I did say good looking. I know how to appreciate beauty too. I know one when I see one but jocks, they cause headache, heartache for most of my friends and oh, how much worse can I describe how I abhor them.

I twisted the door knob twice to make sure its properly locked. I've gone tired of requesting for the door knob to be replaced but the school facilities didn't seem to care. The renovations on the gym were always the priority. I should have told Kendra to follow up on the request as part of the endorsement but she already left at-least two hours ago. I just hope she'll be able to deliver as a new president of the council. We are so different in so many ways. The jocks are her friends, that helped her get a lot of votes during the campaign, I however got the votes with the help of the academic clubs hoping that I would get the college's and the students' recognized their mission and vision and eventually double the membership count and of course, the club's budget. Talk about politics as early as college.

I glanced at my watch again. Darn it! Its almost twelve. I'm used staying late in the student council's office and it has been my second home for years but tonight is different. I didn't have a car to drive myself home. I sold it a few days after my graduation. Actually, my dad sold everything we owned after my graduation. We will permanently be moving to New York. Its where he started the advertising company anyway that's why he only get to visit us in Florida once in a month.

I ran towards the pavement as it started to drizzle. I have hailed two cabs already with a time lapse of ten to fifteen minutes in between. Maybe I should start walking and get outside the college's premises there will be more cabs in there. I have not taken several steps away from the building when a black sedan screeched to stop in front of me. Two young men opened the car doors striding towards my direction. Freshmen, rookies! I recognized their faces as each one of them stopped and posted on each of my sides grabbing both of my arms.

"What the hell! Let go of me!" I screamed at them but they don't seem to hear me. I could sense their grins and the car's driver nodded to acknowledge the plans they had in mind. One of them placed a damp cloth that covered my nose. I smelled alcohol, no gasoline, I don't know. Its a burning smell. It weakened my knees, my senses. I felt my surroundings darkened. I'm out.

I was awaken by the sound of men arguing. Where the hell am I? I tried hard to open my eyes. I saw a reflection of me laying down on a bed still wearing the dress I had on when I left the student council office. My ballet flats still on my feet. My stuff and bag scattered on the floor next to a bed. Shoot! Why is there a huge mirror on the ceiling? I only heard of it being present in a motel? Motel! I am in a freaking motel!

I forced myself to sit up and there I saw Zeus and the the rest of the Hawks - the college basketball team, I think. I felt nervous alright but more than that I was fuming with anger.

"What am I doing here Mr. Jacobs? Care to explain?" I almost screamed at Zeus as he brushed his fingers through his hair.

"Ms. Flores, I'm afraid there has been a misunderstanding..." he said as I cut him off.

"I'll get you guys to jail for doing this!" I shouted glaring back at him. Zeus, Mr. Zeus Jacobs and I never got along. I hated him from day one. He always find a way to annoy me. What is he trying to do to me anyway? Is he trying to get back at me? But why now? Now that we're both over college. Is it because finally, I had made a solid point that there are more things to be prioritize for the college budget, definitely more than wasting it on these good for nothing jocks. Yeah, sure! They do carry the college's name whenever they win but is that all there is to it? Would they like the college to be known only for winning the intercollegiate basketball. Just that? How about academics? "I swear Mr. Jacobs! You and the rest of your team will be sorry for this!" I screamed as I gathered my stuff from the floor. I stood up and faced him head to head. Well, I tried at the very least. He's height towers me. I am 5'6" and I'm guessing his 6' or 6'2" but hey, he doesn't scare me or I tried myself to believe that he doesn't. "Get out of my way!"

"I'm sorry Ms. Flores." He said. He did look apologetic, make that slightly apologetic. There was something in his eyes that tells me he sees everything as a joke. "I'll explain things, just don't make a scene, please..."

"Really? How can kidnapping not be a scene?" I asked him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Well, you see. These freshmen, our rookies thought of giving me a night I won't forget. I must say this is really something unforgettable." He said forming a smirk on the side of his lips.

"I know what that is, Mr. Jacobs. Let me remind you that it was my dumb ass cousin Michael who turned over the captain post to your brother Zach years ago. What I don't get is why it has to be me." I said, my eyes burning with heat of purely anger. "I know you get girls to bed willingly but not me! Did you even know what these guys shove on my face just for them to get me here? Clearly, this is an act of crime and you, Mr. Jacobs is the mastermind. I will make sure that all of you will spend your lives in prison. Now! Let me go, dumb head!" I demanded. I intentionally bumped my arm into his as I tried to make my way out of the motel room. Ouch! That's one hard arm he's got there but I tried my best not to show how it hurt.

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