VII. Great Minds Think Alike

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I climbed to the porch and was surprised to see Liz' set of luggages on the floor. She's leaving. This had been her apartment, her home since she assumed the position of being the head of legal department and she has not left, not even a week to visit her mother who is now based in Puero Rico.This had also become my second home make that my second home and office. I sleep here frequently especially when I have to execute a project for F1 and its clients. Mom never wanted us to take our jobs back home. She stated it to me and dad clearly. "I can tolerate you checking on your business phones once in a while but bringing your work here is just too much." Don't get me wrong. I am very thankful that mom had us do it that way. At least, the moment I step home would mean family time and family time alone. Weekends are with family and of course with Zoey.

"Selena?" Liz called my attention. I was too focused on thinking what she brought inside those luggages. Yeah, I have my naughty side too.

"Is it what I think it is?" I asked.

"Yes! Dad finally approved my vacation leave and he gave me two weeks!" She squealed. I squealed along with her.

We were like kids hopping around the porch.

"Want me to bring you to the airport?" I offered.

"No, he'll have his driver pick me up." She said.

"I'm happy for you." I don't know how I've been staring at her. She's happy and that's all that matters now.

"Are you going to stay here while I'm gone?" She asked.

"No, I'm only working on one project now." I told her giving her a hug. "Just bring me some authentic spring rolls." I chuckled.

"Now I know where Zoey got her love for chinese food." She giggled and I joined her. We had to stop it when a Mercedes Benz SUV parked in front of the apartment.

"How's it been with him?" Liz was curious.

"He's been surprisingly nice. Ever since we were left to ourselves, he'd become quite a gentleman." I told Liz shyly. "I have to go. Be careful out there. I'll definitely miss you." I gave her one quick hug before going to the SUV where Zeus opened the door at the back of the car waiting for me to get in.

"I'm starving. Let's drive thru Mc Donalds." Zeus said. I nodded to agree.

I really was hungry too. He was surprised to hear me asked for a quarter pounder when I was talking at the drive thru speaker.

"Damn, you really are hungry!" He said, his eyes glowed at me.

"Yeah, I am. I didn't sleep at Liz' last night. Mom called because Zo... because she needed me. I had to do some things that made me forget dinner." I said. He flashed me a smile and my heart took a leap.

"I thought you lived with Liz." He uttered.

"Only when I have to work long hours. Her place is closer to F1." I said taking a huge bite of the burger. I felt his hand wiped my face with a napkin. My face burned. Why are you doing this to me? I took the napkin from him and continued wiping my face. "Thank you."

"I didn't know you eat that much." He told me as he let go of a chuckle.

"I have my days but yeah, I love eating." I said and took another bite.

"Your body doesn't show." He said looking at me. Darn it. I'm losing it.

"There are so many things I don't know about you." Zeus smiled.

"There's not much to know. I'm a pretty boring person. You know how us nerds were labeled in college, still am the same until now." I told him while I chewed on the fries. I might as well look at the food in front of me than see him fry me up under his gaze.

"Nah, I'm pretty sure its more than that and I'd love to know them all." That was it. He's getting way over friendly or was it just me?

"You know how sleepy you get after eating tons. I am so like that right now." I said turning my back at him forcing myself to sleep.

I didn't sleep at all. I just acted like I was to avoid him but I felt and heard everything. His chuckles whenever I make a turn, the warmth of his hands when it brushes my skin when he placed his jacket on me. Every little thing he does. We've been working together for days now and I must say its not as difficult as I thought it was going to be since Zach left. It only gets difficult when Zeus get possessed and turns into a whole different him.

I felt his hand touched my shoulder. "We're here." He said. Trust me, I know. I wanted to tell him.

I reviewed the statistics. We are doing pretty good in social media but Maxima is not kicking in alongside Maximus.

"How about we do the launch sooner?" Zeus asked.

"No. We'll do the launch when we already get a huge number of people with curious minds." I stated. "Based on your historical numbers, TV ads did you good. That's how we'll kick Maxima in." I continued.

I asked Zeus to play the TV ad that brought them the highest sales. It was Vito Ferusso, that very good looking Italian athlete who was running a race. It was a very simple TV ad that showed he won the race and displayed Maximus' logo at the end.

"That's it!" I squealed. "Let's redo this whole TV ad, only this time he's not going to run for a race..." Alicia from my team cut me off when her voice echoed through the speakers. I almost forgot that we are always on digital conference like how Zeus would call it.

"But for a girl." She squealed.

"Why don't we plot a continuation then?" Pete from Zeus's team added. "From winning, he started running again for the love of his life."

"Like a series!" Said Ice from my team again. Show offs! I thought smiling. Well, these are my babies. I shared my brain with them.

"Like what every man would desire. Get a career, find a girl and settle down. That's what a true race to championship is." Zeus added as he looked at me. I swear I felt myself swallow and not to mentioned I saw my arm's skin turned red, how much more is my face?

"I like that!" I snapped away from my trail of thoughts before I sunk in to his wits. "Who's going to be the lucky girl?" I asked.

"You?" He said. "I meant, you what are your thoughts" Am I just imagining things or was he really looking at me like I'm naked.

"He's dating right now. A new girl who won the last wimbledon - Feliciana Andrade" Alicia butted in. Thanks for the rescue, Alicia.

"This girl is still in college. No sponsors yet. We can take care of that." Ice said.

"Have her do the TV ad with Vito." I added. "Find her, have her in contract ASAP and give me a detailed story board before the weekend." I commanded.

"We'll take care of Vito." Zeus said.

We were both startled by a loud bang coming from the roof.

"What was that?" I asked nervously.

"A storm is headed straight to where you guys are at." Said Ice. I could tell we were about to lose the phone lines. Their faces would come on and off the screens. Their voices would have that irritating static sound from time to time.

"Its...etter... you...tay...rrrr." that's all I understood from Ice and everything came to silence.

Great! I'm stuck with Zeus, literally.


Selena is becoming a little open about Zoey. Can anyone guess who Zoey is and what does she have to do in Selena's life.

Its about time you guys!
Come on! Move those fingers!


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