Prologue III.

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Selena was about to leave, she walked passed me. I was about to let her go but what did she just call me? Dumb head? "You, Ms. Flores cannot just get away with that." I grabbed her arm and moved my face on hers. I saw her eyes widened. They are even more beautiful when she's furious and surprised like this. She looked like a goddess laying on the bed passed out earlier but she's even more mesmerizing like this. Feisty.

"Look, It was a misunderstanding and I was about to make amendments with you but I don't appreciate being called a dumb head when I know I'm not. Let me just remind you, Selena, that I am just a few numbers short to beating you in your place for suma cumlaude ." I warned her. My face was so close to her that I could smell her scent. Vanilla. So darn sexy and feminine.

"Really now, Zeus?" She said, her voice trembling. "Trust me, after I get out of this shitty place, I will make sure to have the college abolish the basketball team." She screamed. Her breath was heavy but intoxicating. What the hell? I should be fuming but why does it feel like she's casting me a spell. Enchanting me. Must be the Double Black. "And I won't take it back! Dumb head!" she screamed. That's it! My volcano just erupted. Its time I teach this smart ass some lesson.

"Close the door and leave! I will take care of her." I commanded Caleb and the rookies who are eavesdropping in our pretty nasty conversation. I winked at them. "And you two..." I told the rookies who brought Selena here. "You better pray this turns out right or I'll kick your butts off the team first thing tomorrow."

I turned my head back on her. I knew with the way she looked, she's not giving up this fight. I know that I can't smart her out too. She has this pretty sharp tongue, she has this way of getting back at people by using their owns words. I know, I've lost so many times in a debate with her. Getting even had to be something where I'm good at... physical. I walked slowly towards her as she took her steps back until she had no where to go. I smirked. There you go, phase one of defense, down. If she continued to step back, that will send her laying down on the bed, if she stopped, she just had to bear staring at my pretty face. I saw her fingers shake, her body trembled, dropping all her stuff and bag.

"You, mister should let me go right at this very instant. You have no idea what I'm capable of doing." she warned me. I beamed her a smile. I am so damned sure its not the whisky that made me want to get closer. It was her, her alone that was calling me to taste her. I lowered down my head to the side of her neck. I felt her gone stiff. She was breathing heavily in silence.

"What is it with you?" I asked her in whisper as my lips touched the skin of her neck for the very first time. She held her breath. "Did you know that I could always get any girl at any time on my bed naked?"

"W-well, d-don't count me in to your collection Zeus." she mumbled. Her words were barely audible.

" I know, and you are very challenging. I like challenges." I whispered to her ear. I engulf myself in her sent. Using my right hand, I gently fix her hair to her back. My fingers got in contact with her skin, somewhere below her collar bone and slightly above her chest. Her scoop neckline grant me access to feel the warmth of her smooth skin. She jerked in every contact. I chuckled. Once the side of her neck were freed from her hair, I nibbled on her skin once more and I felt like I wanted more of her. I placed my left hand at the small of her back. I felt her hands on my chest. She tried to push me away but I am way stronger than her. Having not enough balance, she fell, her back flat on the bed. Her dress went up and exposed her lacy underwear. How can this get any more better?

"Please, let me go..." I heard her plead as I hovered on top of her. Her tears pooled in her eyes until they slid down on each side of them. I know I'm not too drunk not to hear her but I can't stop myself anymore. I want her. I want me inside her. It definitely was not the whisky. Its her. She just had to satiate me.

"Listen carefully, Selena..." I told her softly. I supported by body with my elbows on each of her side so she won't have to bear my full weight. "My guys are lined up outside this room. You can't run and no, I don't think letting you flee for the night would look nice on my record." I told her as she cried in silence. Helpless. I looked in her eyes as she continued to cry. For once I saw Selena weakened and for some reason I myself, cannot understand, it just called me to claim her. I felt the hunger for her.

Kneeling down I straddled on her. Her hips trapped underneath me. She tried to sit up. Hitting me with both of her fist. "You're evil!" she screamed softly. I let her hit me until she stopped. All the energy she had left had already gone to waste. Panting with tiredness, she surrendered just laid herself back on the bed. Her hands into a fist. Her face was as red as her fist. She stared blankly at the wall and allowed me to will on her.

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