I. The Rise of Selena

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I can sense how happy and proud dad was. His ear to ear grin displayed it as I entered the mahogany themed conference room. Applause. The room was filled with applause as soon as I entered it. Dad was joint by our board members and stakeholders.

I raised both of my hands in mid air and gestured them to halt.

"Thank you, everyone. Please have yourselves a round of applause too. This after all is for us." I told them as another round of applause echoed in the room.

"You're lucky to have such a pretty and intelligent daughter, Mr. President. And you, Selena, truly deserved to be the CEO. I know that it was your father that got you here but I must say its your wits and hard work that got you where you are now." Mr. Cross told my dad as he patted his back.

"Should that even be a wonder?" Dad said as he held his hands in the air gesturing Mr. Cross to look at him.

"Oh, father. I'm afraid I didn't get any trait of humility from you." I chuckled as I kissed dad's cheek.

"I'd say it was a gamble and one great move. I never thought Adventura would agree but hey, that's all history now." Said Mr. Cross.

Adventura is a well known advertising company that costs as much as F1 - our advertising company. Ever since I stepped foot in F1 it has always been my goal to have its name above all other advertising companies not only in New York but to any organization who speaks business and wealth.

Mr. McBill, my favorite professor in economics told us once, "If you can't beat them, buy them." And that had always been my mantra. It took a lot of convincing to do. I was no longer dealing with my classmates in college anymore. I am now talking business with people who speaks of money like its their lives we were talking about. Dad was there to back me up but it took me years of study to strengthen my claim. I was confident that after this, things will eventually come to F1 effortlessly. Adventura holds a lot of clients of multi-million companies and they are all satisfied with their services. Now that it is under F1, they would have to either look for a less competitive advertising company or they would have to pay the price. The F1 price.

"Mr. Jenkins, how are the turn overs going?" I asked him as the whole board listened and waited for his response.

"Pretty impressive. We have retained ninety-four percent of Adventura's clients and they are willing to pay the extra price." Mr. Jenkins said confidently.

"Ninety four? What happened to the other six percent?" I asked him. I wanted one hundred percent. I knew ninety-four wasn't bad after all since F1 would have to charge them double if not triple.

"Those would be the small players that can no longer afford the services and Maximus." Mr. Jenkins uttered.

Maximus, Oh yes, I remembered. How could I not forget since there was never a year that they would skip sponsoring the college basketball team for their sports apparel.

"Have we done any negotiations? Maybe we could do some exceptions? They have been Adventura's client for the longest time." Mr. Cross suggested.

"Mr. Cross, sir, with all due respect. Adventura does not exist anymore. Yes, we may consider giving them exceptions but we can't go any lower than double the price of what was once they had with Adventura. Exceptions would include, removing them from NBA half time ads or they may want to consider an unknown athlete for an endorser." I spatted. It took me four freaking years to get to what I want and bringing down F1's walls just to accommodate an old friend is not good for business.

"She's right. All the rest had agreed to that. The small players were small accounts and won't even matter. Maximus' pretty big on its own why can't they just pay the check?" Said Mr. Jenkins.

"That is because, Adventura is not the only advertising company Maximus is tied up with. It has Lexner Ads too." Mrs. Rowling said.

"We have our own set of respective clients. If Maximus wishes not to continue, well then, let them go. Trust me, its not going to be our lost." I said as I reviewed the the list of Adventura's client that are now F1s.

I can't keep myself from smiling when the company's projection was being discussed. From a hill to a mountain. That's where F1 is headed to. Everyone was caught up with the presentation except for dad and Mr. Cross.

I am pretty sure he's talking dad into considering Maximus. The Cross' and the Jacobs. These families are pretty tied up to a history of strong friendship in the corporate world. Dad always believed that there are never loyal friends in the corporate world unless there is symbiosis which I believed is most likely to exist than true and sincere friendship. That or have their brethren marry to keep the wealth within their fence of security. This world is no charity after all.

My trail of thoughts were cut off by dad standing in front of me. How did he get there so fast?

"Lady?" Dad called my attention. "We need to talk." Clueless of what the talk will be about. I just nodded to acknowledge him. This better be good. "Retain Maximus and make sure Lexner permanently leaves the picture." Dad said without batting an eyelash. What now?

Yeah, I get the picture or should I say they got me into getting the picture. We are in the world of advertising and marketing. What else would be the best way and has always been the most effective advertising and marketing strategy? Word of mouth.

Maximus leaving Lexner one hundred percent would show the world that they only trusted F1 more than they have trusted Adventura. F1 holding one of the biggest sports apparel company simply increases its market rate. A perfect case of symbiosis.

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