XIV. Burn

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Its been hours since Liz called and asked for help but Zach can barely understand her. She must have panicked. Who wouldn't? This, so far has been the most mortifying scene I have ever seen in my existence.

Zach and I tried to get through the turnpike where they were when Liz called but we came late. The highway was no longer passable. There were wide yellow tapes that said caution all over it. Every minute that passed kills me. I have horrible thoughts playing in my head. I swear, if anything bad happens to Selena, I will not be able to forgive myself for as long as I live.

An officer told us to retreat and that most of the injured ones were taken to CarePoint Health-Bayonne Medical Center. I didn't want to take any chances. I told Zach to drive us there immediately.

"They'll be fine." Zach tried to console that.

"You can say that, Zach because you got to hear Liz. How about Selena? This is all my fault." I said. My hands gripped the stirring wheels as if being hard on it would teleport us to where the girls were.

The scenery once we got to the hospital entry way did not help at all. There were bloody injured people wailing. There were uniformed men carrying bodies in huge black bags. The thought of Selena being in any of those bags scares the hell out of me.

"Officer!" I called to the local policeman manning the black bags. He lowered down his hand held radio ans spoke. 

"Sir, this is the emergency area, you're not suppose to be here." he said.

"Sir, my, my,.." yeah, I just realized, I don't even know what I am to Selena. What the heck, I just need to know where she is and if she's safe. That's all that matters now. "Sir, the mother of my kid, the mother of my kid's missing. I need to know where she is." I blurted.

"Go check the list. If she's not there, thank God she's alive. Slightly injured patients are on the lobby, severely hurt ones are in the emergency room and all through out the hallway." said the officer but I don't have time for this. I know and I feel it. Selena's part of this list.

I ran to the lobby. There were no signs of Selena nor Liz. It seemed like there were daggers being thrown to my chest. Going to the emergency room is my next best option. There is no way that Selena would be a part of the casualty list.

There she was, asleep. She had bruises on her forehead but there was no bleeding. She was just asleep when I saw her and that's how she was for days.

I ran both of my hands on my face. I didn't  know what to do nor feel when for the the first time in days Selena had finally flickered her eyes. I have not left her side since I saw her in the hospital. The doctor said she had a head concussion and since she was unconscious, he can't tell if there were other things we must be concerned of.

Dr.  Gray came in shortly after I have pressed the red emergency button on top of Selena's  hospital bed. I remembered him telling us that he can't allow Selena to leave the hospital until she wakes up for us to know how bad the concussion was.  He said that her CT Scan and MRI results showed minimal bleeding that had eventually stopped and is but a minute clot by now but until she gets to talk and move, we can't really tell what Selena's real condition is and that what worries me a lot. Since the day I realized that I love her  and that we have Zoey, I can no longer see my life without her, without them.

A breath of relief escaped my chest while I look at Selena hopefully all looking good now. She smiled as she followed Dr. Gray's instruction. If I'm guessing it right, she looked confused when she was asked to have her eyes follow the light from Dr. Gray's pen light. 

I see her peep at me while Dr. Gray does his examination on her. She had this blank but mostly stern face at me. I'd rather have that than not have her at all. 

"Selena's free to go." Dr. Gray announced. 

"Doctor?" Selena called. "Please don't tell mom and dad that I had to skip school for this." she continued, her eyes fuming at my direction.

"What do you mean dear?" Dr. Gray asked.

"I'm pretty sure I was sent here by the school because of that moron!" she said.

"I don't get it. " Dr. Gray said.

"Doctor, this guy has been causing me problems in school and I know for sure that being in here with  only him means one thing, he played his antics on me again." she said almost crying.

"Do you remember where you were before you got in here?" Dr. Gray asked her.

"I was in school, I was about to see Mr. Spelling after the council meeting when this asshole played a trick on me." she announced.

Dr. Gray turned to me and slightly swayed his head. 

"Zeus, call her parents, I need to run several tests before I send her home. That is if I can send her home." he told me regretfully. 

"No matter what you do, Zeus, you and your fellow jocks won't get a a chunk of the budget." Selena said throwing a pillow at me.

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