Episode 14 - Spring's Flower

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*April 17th*

[March walks by and looks at August, who is drawing in her sketchpad.]

March: Hey August, watcha drawing?

August: I'm just drawing us, the months.

March: Really? Can I see?

August: Sure. It's not completely done, but here.

[August shows March the drawing. March notices that he, in the drawing, appears smaller than the rest.]

March: Well, that's just bad.

August: Huh?

March: I'm too small in this.

August: But you are small.


August: Maybe, but you're sixteen.

March: Whatever! This isn't an accurate drawing!

[March's phone then rings, as he pulls it out and answers.]

March: Hello?... oh... oh! Alright, I'll be there.

[He hangs up.]

August: Hm? Who was it?

March: Something's happened to Spring's garden.

[March, August, and April stand next to the huge, empty bowl-shaped hole in the ground.]

April: I-I don't know how it happened. And her pink tulips are gone.

March: Hm...

[March jumps and slides into the hole, looking around the area.]

March: Maybe there's a hole somewhere?

April: Are you able to detect nearby water?

March: I can try.

[He closes his eyes and relaxes his palms, but he opens his eyes and shakes his head.]

March: Nope.

April: Hm...

March: Let's just explore and find the hole, c'mon guys!

[August and April then slide into the hole as well, as the three walk around, admiring the cherry blossoms all around them.]

March: So. Much. PINK! It's making me go blind!

August: It's beautiful.

April: The pulchritudinous leaves remind me what joy truly means.

[She catches a pink leaf, holding it gently in her palm. She then releases it, as it slowly flies away in the soft wind.]

March: Uh... guys? Have you noticed that gigantic bouncing jelly over there?

[He points to what looks to be an enormous blue slime.]

August: Whoa...

April: It must have absorbed all the water from the pool...

March: Well, how are we gonna defeat this thing? My water powers are useless, August can't use her powers.

April: March, your powers aren't useless.

March: Trust me, I've tried; at the fair against that spider thing, in the balloon wars.

April: Just try.

[March sighs, then nods.]

March: Alright, alright. Just let me warm up first.

[He jumps a little side to side, then goes on the ground in an incorrect push-up position, then falls down.]

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