Episode 19 - Catting Around

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*June 4th*

[January wakes up in his room. He enters the living room and sees Claire through the kitchen bar preparing breakfast. Matea pounces onto January's leg, and he brings her to his face.]

January: What do you want?

[He, making sure Claire isn't looking, rubs noses with Matea and then puts her down. May jumps out of nowhere with Actinolite in her arms.]

May: Aw, that's so cute!

[January falls back onto the floor.]

January: Wh-what are you doing here!?

May: Claire and I set up a playdate for Actinolite and Matea!

January: Oh...

[Claire enters the living room with three plates of breakfast.]

Claire: Oh, May! It's a good thing I accidentally made three plates.

[Claire sets up the plates on the coffee table.]

May: Oh, it's okay. I'm not hungry. Just give it to July.

Claire: Okay, I'll package it away and bring it to July after breakfast.

[Matea curiously sniffs at January's plate. January shoos her, and she goes to investigate Actinolite.]

May: Aw, she wants to play with him! Here you go, Actinolite.

[She releases him from her clutches, and he casually strides to Matea, who backs away, hissing at him.]

Claire: Matea! Don't hiss at your friend.

May: Since June is doing boring errands and September is going to prom, I'm going to stay here.

Claire: Okay. January will be going to prom later, but I'll be here too.

May: Yay! So, what should we do first?

Claire: Uh... I don't know.

May: Ooh, ooh. We should take Actinolite and Matea to the beach!

Claire: Sure.

[February and September are at a clothing store.]

February: I should've gotten a dress earlier... now it's so stressful...

September: Tell me about it.

February: Excuse me!

[February calls for an employee.]

February: Do you have this dress in any other sizes?

Employee: Yes, we have some of those in the back I think. Let me go check for you.

February: Thank you!

[February sits down on a little bench.]

February: Phew... all of that shopping was tiring... but I think I'm ready for tonight once I get that dress.

September: So, how did you ask January to prom?

February: I caught him while he was unable to think properly, while he was half asleep. That's usually how I ask him for stuff.

September: Oh... okay. I never got to ask, have you ever used your charm on someone?

February: Of course, but the one time I did it, it didn't really work out.

September: Really? What happened?

February: Well...

[A younger February is seen walking through the hallways of school.]

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