15: Shit

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*Nicki Pov*

I felt like shit.

It wasn't even because I had to get up at an ungodly hour just to come get to this hell hole disguised as a school. Actually, that is debateable. But what I'm talking about, or rather who I'm talking about was currently sitting across from me at the lunch table doing everything in his power to ignore me. I mean, I couldn't blame him. Any normal person would be hurt and upset that two people they trusted lied to them. To be honest,  I would probably be doing exactly what he's doing right now, which is to completely ignore my existence.

I snuck a glance at Jake to see that he was engaged in a conversation with Craig, and I became jealous at the fact that he was talking to everyone besides me. He couldn't be mad at me forever, could he?

"Why don't you two just kiss and make up?" Serena's voice  interrupted my daydreaming, and I turned to her. Craig, Jake, and Raena did the same, also turning towards her. I widened my eyes, not believing that she actually said that out loud.

"Uh, Serena, I don't think you should bring that up," Craig, said, trying to shut her up. Jake just rolled his eyes, and turned his attention to his phone.

"I think I should bring it up! Have you guys realized how awkward its been to have to be around you guys? You've been like this for weeks, and Jake,  honestly I think its time for you to suck it up! If you don't wanna date her, fine,  but at least speak to each other. Be friends or something. Damn." When Serena was done talking, I wanted to beat the shit outta her, but I'm pretty sure that if I tried, she would end up beating my ass.

Then Jake did something unexpected. He looked directly into my eyes from across the table. "I can't be friends with someone I can't even trust."

I couldn't help what I said next, since the immature side of me was having trouble being contained. "What about Ray? He is just as guilty as I am, yet you're only mad at me!"

"I choose to forgive Jake." He said matter-of-factly. "Well then why can't you forgive me and we be friends?" I asked, getting ulset at the fact that he wouldn't forgive me.

"Because I can't just be your friend Nicole." And with those few words, he arose from his seat and walked right out the cafeteria.

Wait, he can't be my friend? Does that mean that he actually wanted to be with me? I wasn't entirely sure, but I had to find out and beg for his forgiveness. I was about to go after him when Leah returned to the table. "Craig come quick,  Chres and my ex are about to fight!" She said, pulling on his arm. He stood with a sigh. "Why am I always breaking up fights?"

We all followed Leah to see that a big crowd had formed near the vending machines. They were in hysterics, cheering and screaming at the top of their lungs. Pushing our way through, we made it to the center just in time to see Kendall swing at Chres. Due to Chres's awesome ninja reflexes, he dodged it, and punched Kendall in the eye. Thats when Craig got in the middle of the fight, much to everyone's dismay. The warning bell wrung, signifying the end of lunch, and people began to exit the cafeteria.

"What's going on here?" Mr. Baxter, our school security gaurd asked while walking in our direction. I wondered why he was just getting to the scene, but then I took into consideration of how overweight this man was. We explained the situation to him and he let us off with a warning. He walked off, or should I say waddled off, probably to to find some donuts.

"See you later Leah." Kendall said then walked out with one of his friends. I hated the guy with a passion. He was cocky, a player, and not to mention he broke Leah's heart. I wanted to break his face, but as he walked out, I just scowled at the back of his head. I could see that Serena was doing the same, Whereas Raena insisted on escorting Chres to the nurse. Serena and I simultaneously rolled our eyes at her.  When was she going to learn to stop being a hoe?


By the end of the day all I wanted to do was go the fuck home.  The first day of school sucked, and I was desperate to put this shit day behind me. I was sat  on a bench outside of school, waiting for my mom to pick me up. After a while she texted and said that she had to work late, so I would have to walk the hour to get home. Just my luck.

As I began walking, I took out my headphones and put them in my ears. After a while, someone put their hand on my shoulder. My reflexes caused me to immediately spin around, and much to my surprise it was Ray.

"Ray you scared me!"I let out a sigh of relief know that I knew that he wasnt a rapist or serial killer. He chuckled.  "Yeah its just me. I just wanted to talk to you." I raised my eyebrow, curious about what he had to say. "What about?"

"I broke up with Brianna." he said. Unlike Jake, when Brianna found out about our little secret, she actually thought that it was sweet that he did all of this just to show her he cares for her. Too bad Jake didn't see it that way.

"Why did you do that?" I asked. He didn't even hesitate to answer. "Because I realized that I really liked you," he said, touching my cheek, and I pushed his hand away. "Whatchu mean? You know that this wasn't part of the deal. We agreed that there would be no feelings!" I exclaimed.

"I know, I just don't know what happened! At first I felt nothing, but then we put so much into making it look like we were a real couple that I fell for you along the way." He explained.

Of all the things that happened to make this day bad, this was definitely the worst.  Now I had to worry about getting Jake back, and getting Ray off of my back.

"Nicki, Jake is a childish little boy, and he will always be like that. You don't deserve to be treated like that. He doesn't see that you did this for him and you deserve better. You deserve me." He concluded.

Even though I didn't want to admit it, Ray had a point. Jake had been treating me like trash, and I was sick and tired of it. I began to wonder if being with Jake was even worth it anymore. But, I knew that what I felt for him was real, and that I only liked Ray as a friend.

"Ray,  I'm sorry but..." I didn't get to finish my sentence because Ray slammed his lips on mine. I pushed him away, and looked at him like he was insane.

"And just when I was about to come to you and spill out my feelings..."

I turned around, and there was Jake, standing there with a hurt expression on his face. He didn't even seem angry. Just ... heartbroken.

"Jake, it isn't what it looks like!" I wanted to slap myself at how cliche I sounded, but it was the truth. He didn't give me a chance to explain, and just walked off. I knew I shouldve been on the verge of tears, but the only thing I felt was pure rage, and it was directed at Ray.

"Why the fuck would you do that? I don't like you Ray! Just go back to Brianna because I don't want to be with you! We will never be together!" I screamed at him, my face probably turning red in the process.

I ran in the direction where Jake took off only to see him getting into his car and driving off.

"Fuck!" I said in agrivation.

I stormed off to my house, not even looking back to see if Ray was still standing where I'd left him. I know that I hurt his feelings, but frankly,  I couldn't give less than a fuck.

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