The Stone Circle

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A family meeting had been called. Ƒáeláƞ stood in the center of the circle of standing stones waiting for his children to arrive. Mỷrἇ stood quietly by staring at the strange spirals etched into the stones. Jåcóbӱ paced nearby always on the move. A noise made Ƒáeláƞ raise his head. One by one his three children entered the circle. Ƒáeláƞ's sharp eyes noted the natives that stood on the other side of the stone circle. There were more of them today.

"I couldn't stop them from coming father," Âkįŀ explained.

Ƒáeláƞ clapped his youngest son on the shoulder. "It was to be expected. They are welcome here as long as they stay quiet and do not interrupt us."

Äçåçiå moved forward and joined her mother. Mỷrἇ smiled at her and squeezed the hand that Äçåçiå had slid into hers. Dárkmëre joined Jåcóbӱ and together they paced two paths around the stones. Ƒáeláƞ shook his head as he saw how his children had gravitated to those that they felt closest to.

"We are ready Ƒáeláƞ."

Ƒáeláƞ shook himself and smiled at his wife. After all of these years she was still the same. Mỷrἇ was a steadfast rock who refused to budge. She provided stability to all and Ƒáeláƞ was grateful to the elder Dárkmëre for betrothing him to such a wonderful woman.

"We have come to a decision," Ƒáeláƞ said once everyone's attention was focused on him. "Your mother has looked into the spirit realm and determined that we won't survive those who hunt us unless we are allies with the natives. They have a connection to this land that goes back thousands of years. We can use that connection to destroy the evil that hunts us."

Dárkmëre stood next to Jåcóbӱ with arms crossed. A frown was barely visible on his face. "Are you sure Father?"

Jåcóbӱ grunted from beside Darkmere causing Darkmere to give him a look. Jåcóbӱ motioned to Ƒáeláƞ and in the same sweep of his hand included Mỷrἇ in the gesture. "Ƒáeláƞ was a leader when your Mother and I met him. He saved us from a chantix and took us in. The tribe listened to his words and followed his advice. If he says that we should trust them then so we shall. Do not doubt your Father Dárkmëre. That is how darkness gets ahead and how they defeat us."

Dárkmëre looked disgruntled, but nodded. Mỷrἇ spoke up from the other side of the stone circle. "Trust your Father Dárkmëre. He will not lead us astray. A son should know when to trust his father and when to challenge him. Now is not the time to challenge him Dárkmëre."

"As you wish Mother?"

Ƒáeláƞ covered the distance between him and his eldest in half a dozen steps. He placed a hand on Dárkmëre's shoulder and drew his son to him. "You are of an age where sons like to test their father's will. I did the same to my father. I expect nothing less of you. Know that I take our words to heart and will always seek your council. I have feared evil finding us since your Mother was with child. I am doing what I think best to save those that I love."

Dárkmëre nodded and reached up to clasp his Father's shoulder. "Your words mean a lot to me Father."

Ƒáeláƞ nodded and turned to Âkįŀ. "Tell our friends that we have accepted their help. Also tell them that I would like to meet with all those who are willing to help us."

Âkįŀ stepped away from his Mother and sister. "When and where Father?"

Ƒáeláƞ looked to the sky as he tested the wind. Jåcóbӱ had told him last night that time was short and that evil was on the move. "In three days time and a place of their choosing."

Âkįŀ nodded. He stepped out of the stone circle and spoke to the natives. Words were exchanged and several minutes passed before Âkįŀ rejoined the circle. The natives faded away into the ensuing darkness.

"Our meeting place will be a day's journey south of here. There is a stream we'll follow till it branches into three directions. We will take the center branch and follow it upstream till we reach an alter that is over shadowed by an aged standing stone."

Ƒáeláƞ nodded. "You have done well my son. Let us prepare for our journey. Be sure that everyone brings an offering to give to the Gods of this place and a gift for the natives.

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