Jack x Jack

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Jolinsky again. I shouldn't be getting lit at 3 am, but fuck it.

*Jack J's POV*
I was laying in bed when I heard something hit my window. I ignored it, but it happened again. I decided to get up and open it only to see my best friend Jack. "What do you want?" I asked looking down at him. "Come on, I'm taking you somewhere," he said motioning for me to come down. "My parents would kill me, and I can't go downstairs, they'd see me," I explained. "Your parents already kill each other, and clearly they don't see you, they're too selfish, but I'm changing that tonight, just come with me already!" He yelled up. "Jack....I-I don't know," I mumbled and chewed on my bottom lip. "Come on, I can change it all for you, just trust me, just come with me," he pleaded. I sighed grabbing my shoes, "oh, wear clothes you're okay with getting messy in," he yelled up. I looked at myself, my outfit wasn't even decent. Just a white shirt and some black skinny jeans, with white vans, but who cares. After looking myself over I went to the window again, "how do I get out?" I asked. "Front door," he said rolling his eyes. "They're fighting again, I can't," I said softly. "Then come out the window," he said smirking. "I can't! That's two stories!" I whined. "Come on, I'll get you," he said holding his arms up to reassure me. I sighed popping the screen to my window off, then I climbed out. I looked around, it was getting dark; I climbed down to him, and he helped me down. "I'm gonna help you," he said grabbing my hand. "Help me what exactly?" I asked confused. "Escape, leave, you need a break, now stop asking questions, let's go!" He said dragging me out to the front and to his car. We got in and immediately he took off driving. "Where are we going?" I asked. He placed his hand over my mouth, "we're escaping," he mumbled. "Jack, please, you're scaring me," I whimpered softly. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it lightly. "Jj do you trust me?" He asked. "I do," I said softly. "Then trust me on this, I promise, nothing bad is going to happen, this is your night, now stop worrying," he spoke calmly and kissed the back of my hand. I smiled and blushed while nodding my head.

After a long drive we pulled up to what looked like an old beat up building. I heard loud music coming from inside, and I saw a few people come out covered in paint. "Surprise," Jack said shutting off the car and getting out. I got out with him and stood awkwardly. "I'm scared," I whispered. He came over and wrapping his arm around my waist, "don't be, I'm here," he said taking us inside. When we walked inside I couldn't see anything but bright white shirts and neon colors. The music was sound loud I couldn't hear myself think. All of my problems seemed to melt away as my heart beat matched the beat of the music. I looked around and smiled, then I smiled at Jack. "C'mon," he said in my ear and started to take us to the middle of the floor where they were throwing paint. I held onto Jack and walked into the middle instantly being hit with paint. First it felt weird, but soon I got used to it, the feeling was absolutely amazing. Something inside of me broke loose and I started to dance. I moved from Jack's hold and into the middle of the big group that was dancing together, getting covered in more paint. I couldn't tell if I was dead or alive, but I was happy. Right after that Jack came to the middle with me. We were dancing, our arms around each other. It was sloppy, energetic, and crazy, but it was amazing. I smiled at him, and he smiled at me, then I went for it. I leaned in smashing my lips to his. He stood in shock for a minute, then he kissed me very deeply. I tangled my fingers in his hair and kissed back just as deeply. Midway through the kiss I giggled slightly because I could taste the paint on his lips. I felt paint being poured on top of us and we pulled away laughing, then connected our lips again.

Fuck bitches get sum.

I need to stop.

Part 2 anyone? *cough* might be smut *cough cough*

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