Part 1

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(3rd person PoV;Takes place after Tord crashes on the hill)

Tord sat on the edge of the cliff, thinking over his previous actions, his giant robot in pieces beside him. He looked down to see a mechanical arm detached from the machine clutched tightly in his left hand. After a few seconds of studying it, a small drop of water landed on the metal device making Tord snap out of his trance and realize he was beginning to cry. He began to whimper and sob on the grass he sat on,regretting the things he did. After a while a car pulled up behind Tord,only to reveal Patryk and Paul. They emerged from the vehicle with worried looks on their faces as they made their way towards Tord. "Red leader!" one of them shouted, "We need to get you back to base,your arm looks to be in critical condition!" Tord nodded only after waiting a few moments to stare at the ground.

The ride back to base camp was stressful for Tord,Patryk and Paul would ask him multiple questions at a time as well as Paul doing his best to bandage Tord's wounds which would cause him a great amount of pain. The bandaging wasn't great but it'd hold up until they reached their destination. But Tord's arm had been in such critical condition that they had to replace it with the metallic one. The surgery took hours,but it was worth getting his new arm. As for his bloodied face,nothing seemed to be broken or out of place besides the scar that covered his right cheek. The medics at base camp estimated his healing time to be around a month or two,which seemed to be a short recovery compared to his wounds. But as for his emotional recovery...will he ever heal?

(A/N: hey guys,sorry this chapter is short I plan to do longer ones in the future but I just wanted to get this book started. Tell me what you think in the comments and I'll update part 2 as soon as possible. Hope you guys enjoyed part 1!) -Swingster

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