Part 18

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(3rd Person PoV)
Tord awoke engulfed of the warm arms of who he assumed to be Tom. His eyes felt heavy as he lay there wondering if he was the the only one awake, seeing as Tom's grip was still secure.
He looked up to check when his eyes met Tom's gaze. "Hey" Tord said, daring to break the silence between the two. "Hi" he said groggily, his black eyes were calm and tired. Tom began rubbing calming circles, giving an occasional hum. Tord, being so relaxed, melted into his touch and almost fell back to sleep.
But Tom would disagree, he sat up with his arms wrapped around the smaller males waist. Bringing Tord up with him. They sat there for a moment only for Tom to ask the ice breaking question, "Hey, do you think you can get up real quick?" Tord remained silent as he got off the Britt, stretching afterwards.
    Tom soon after got up, looking back down at the couch as if he were looking for something. "Tord, have you seen my phone?" He asked, "Er, no. Where did you have it last?" Tom gave his shoulders a slight shrug as he began walking towards the kitchen, Tord following a few moments after.
    "Ah, there it is." Relief flowed through him as he saw his phone plugged in on the counter. As he walked toward it Tord questioned him if he had any water bottles, he responded by telling him they were in the fridge. "Hey, grab me one while your at it." The Britt opened his phone and started checking his media when he realized he never got a response from the red hooded male. "Tor- GAH" as he called out his name a cold bottle greeted the back of his neck, sending chills down his spine. He heard the Norwegian begin to chuckle as he handed Tom a water which he set down soon after. Tom gave an annoyed sigh, surely he'd get him back eventually.
    Tom looked back at his phone to check the time, '7:30 already? Great...probably gonna be up all night now.' He thought. An idea popped into his head as he began to open up his water, why not go to Edd's? He soon after asked Tord about it, whom of which agreed to go but was to occupied on opening his water to give a verbal answer. He watched as the Norwegian pressed the bottle up to his mouth and suddenly an idea hit him, but he'd have to act fast. He quickly grabbed the end of Tord's water and squeezed it with a tight grip, squirting ice cold water all over Tord.
He stood there astonished for a few moments as Tom's laughter began to grow. "Ha ha, very funny." He said, clearly unamused. He began drying his face off with the sleeve of his hoodie as Tom slowly calmed down. Once he did though he dared to look at Tord in the face, one of his eyes was a light shade of grey with a few scars nearby.
Meanwhile Tord just stared at him with confusion. But before he could process much, a pair of lips connected to his. He backed up a couple steps, only to back up into the counter. The cold tile up against the red material of his hoodie as Tom neared, pressing his body on to the Norwegian's. Soon enough Tord began to kiss back as he melted into the new sensation. It took over his body as he wrapped his hands around the Britt's waist, beginning to feel the need for more contact.
It wasn't long after that when he started to kiss back, feeling Tom's hands as they began to get under his protective hoodie. Tord shivered at his touch, feeling his skin burn wherever his hands ventured. The Norwegian moved his hands to the back of Tom's neck as the Britt began to trail his kisses down to his neck.
He was mid way when he heard Tord's breath hitch and his body give a slight jolt, he remained there for a while, abusing the area on his neck. As Tord's hands gripped Tom's blue hoodie he squirmed and gasped, he gave Tom a small nudge, feeling a bit hot. He wanted- no, needed his hoodie off, he began to slip his hands under the bottom and brought it up in a quick motion. But was soon annoyed he realized he was stuck, his arms were bent in an uncomfortable position, as well as his head.
    "Um, Tom... I'm stuck." He said, defeat in his voice. Tord couldn't see what was happening but soon heard Tom's muffled laughs. "It's not funny! Help me!" He said in annoyance, but all he got in return was the Britt laughing.
    Eventually Tom did get Tord get out of his hoodie, but was soon after scolded by the Norwegian.

(A/N; hey guys, sorry for the delay on this chapter. I want you guys to know that I'm back and will start writing again ASAP, haha. I uh... had this chapter ready to go a couple days ago but the system deleted it before it got published, so I hope you don't mind this was a bit rushed. It's the same plot and everything, I just had to re write it... =_=' anyway, thank you all for reading this far, I'll get started on part 19 soon as possible) -Swingster

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