Part 8

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(3rd person PoV)
    Since Tord was awoken by his nightmare,he found it quite hard to get back to sleep. His mind raced as he tried to reclaim sleep,but you know how the drill works. Once you wake up,you can never get back to sleep. He gave in after an hour or so and begun getting up,dragging his bag over to the coach to pick out his cloths for the day. The final result consisted of a black t-shirt,some dark blue jeans and last but not least the red hoodie Edd had laid out for him. 'He kept it after all this time..' The thought made Tord smile a little,thinking of how long he must've had it. After he cleaned up the area a bit (y'know,folding clothes and all that good stuff) he started searching for paper and some sort of writing utensil. Tord searched the kitchen drawers and ended up finding some green sticky notes and a pen,'Huh,good enough.' He sat down at the table and begun to write,'Edd,I'm going to the store if I can find one. I'll be back in about an hour...and don't worry I'll get you some cola while I'm at it.
He placed the sticky on the table and made his way towards the door,making sure to grab the spare key on his way out. Edd told him he was allowed to use it if he needed to. As he was reaching for the doorknob it began to jiggle a bit,almost if someone was putting a key through it...Tord jumped back in surprise,'What the hell?!' Not even a second later the door opened,Only to reveal Tom. "Tom! You scared the hell out of me!" Tom looked in his direction,realizing he was the only one awake,"Oh,it's you...Where are you going?" He looked Tord up and down,seeing as he was fully dressed with shoes on. "I was just heading to the store is all." Tom narrowed his 'eyes' "uh-huh,you sure you aren't going to go get your giant robot?!" Tom whispered with a bit of venom. Tord felt a slight pain in his chest which mixed with a bit of anger he had,being hot tempered and all. "No,I'm not! And if you care so much why don't you come with me?..I could use a GPS anyways...also Tom...what are you doing here at 5:00 in the morning?" Tom looked to the side rather quickly,a nervous look creeping up to his face. "It's none of your business." He mumbled. "Tom." Tord knew he was hiding something,he had to know what. Being that his curiosity got the best of him,"Look,I said its none of your buisness okay?!" Tord walked towards him,causing Tom to back up against the wall. He put his arms up on either side of Tom's head,pinning him there. "Let me ask again," He leaned in closer to Toms ear,"what are you doing in Edd's apartment this early?" Tord couldn't hold back the aggressiveness in his voice,but Tom snapped back quickly. Shoving Tord away from him he began to raise his fists at the red hooded man,only before remembering he was in Edd's apartment. Tom dropped his fists and glared at him,Tord held the glare and approached him a bit. Tom noticed this and ripped his eyes from the gaze,"So,are you?" Tord questioned,"Am I what?" A short yet annoyed sigh came from Tord,"Are you coming with me to the store or not? We can deal with this later.." A confused Tom nodded,"Uh,yeah sure."

(A/N: hey guys,thanks for reading this part. Sorry if this chapter seemed a bit rushed or cheesy,I didn't want to make you guys wait to long so I did this within 40 mins or so. That might seem like a long time but not really...heh,anyway thanks for the support and I'll update within the next few days!) -Swingster

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