Part 2

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(3rd person PoV)
    A year has past since the incident and Tord hasn't been doing any better,if not,worse. He'd break down every night feeling that he might be better off dead for doing what he did,he believed he didn't deserve friends. But he never showed his emotions around the others because he had to play the strong and fearless leader of the red army,he had to act like nothing was wrong...when really he was at breaking point inside.

There were many days where Tord wouldn't talk at all,he would just keep his thoughts to himself. Most times he preferred to be by himself and think,but one thing would always lead to another and his thoughts would be interrupted. Tord enjoyed the silence,he liked how there was nobody there to judge him. But sometimes...that silence was a living Hell for Tord,all the bad thoughts and memories would come back to mind and destroy him.

One day the red army had been busy with training and plan theories for the next attack through a meeting in which Tord attended (being the leader and all). The meeting was going well until they revealed who would was chosen to be the one in action,Tord. Once he realized that he'd be leading the mission just like how he did the last,he broke. Tears began streaming down his face and his breathing became heavy,Paul and Patryk,along with everyone else that had been in the current meeting had a worried look on their faces. Tord felt his body begin to shake,'No,absolutely not! I-I won't do it! I-I CAN'T do it...not again I-' his thoughts were interrupted by Paul placing a hand on Tord's shoulder,he jumped at the sudden touch and gave a small whimper. "Red leader! Are you okay?!" He asked with concern and cautiousness. Tord finally spoke,"I-I won't do it..." Some gave a small gasp,others gave and angered yet concerned look. Paul tried to speak "But-" Tord snapped,"I SAID I WONT DO IT!" He yelled. Everyone's faces were shocked apart from Paul,he became deathly pale and looked terrified. Patryk decided to step in,"Red le-" , "Don't call me that!!" He was breaking down again. He had enough of the red army,he had enough of being in charge,he just wanted to go back to a normal life. He tore off his red and blue uniform and slammed it on the table,reveling his old ripped and tattered hoodie. He ran out of the room before anyone could protest,Tord made his way to his room and locked the door behind him,tearing open the closet door and grabbing a suitcase. He threw it down on his oversized bed and quickly packed his belongings,while doing so he came across a framed was a picture of Edd,Tom,Matt,and Tord. It was when they all worked together to film 'Space Cats 2'...This is what Tord wanted to go back to. But would they accept him even if he tried to do so?

Deciding he didn't really have another choice he put the frame in the suitcase and got ready to leave,he unlocked the door and opened it only to reveal Paul and Patryk. "Does this mean your leaving the Red Army?" Patryk questioned,instead of saying anything he nodded his head and made his way to the main doors. A thought came to mind...

                        'This is it...'
(A/N: hey guys,I hoped you enjoyed this chapter,I'll be publishing an authors note in the next hour or so explaining a few things. Anyway,thanks for all the good feedback! It's really encouraging!! I'm also surprised it got so many reads and votes in such a short matter of time so that you guys!!) -Swingster

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