Part 9

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(3rd Person PoV)
    Tord walked past Tom out the door,turning to look at him as he stood in the hall. "Well come on then," the Norwegian urged. "Edd and Matt won't be asleep forever,I'd like to get back before they wake up." Tom looked at Tord with his expressionless black eyes and followed,not breaking eye contact as he made his way into the hall. "I'm watching you commie." The word commie alone struck Tord like a stab wound...He looked at the ground,a bit of sadness in his eyes. "Don't call me that.." He whispered quietly,hoping Tom wouldn't hear him. Tord waited a few moments,unsure of the silence that came between the two. "Well why not?" Tom spoke out; Tord's eyes widened,'God I'm so stupid!' Tord shoved his hands in his hoodie pockets and began to walk past Tom in a quick pace. "Hey where are you going? I'm talking to you!" He earned a frustrated sigh from Tom,only before he heard a door close. Forgetting about Edd's open door he thought that Tom had just given in and gone back to bed...Tord slowed in his tracks,stopping to lean up against the hallway wall,tears forming in his eyes. 'Not now!' He couldn't help it,the tears began to flow down his cheeks as he sniffled and whimpered every so often. He bent down against the wall,curling his knees up to his chest and sobbing into them. As he lay up against the wall Tord was to distracted with his emotions to notice the figure standing behind him,watching him as he broke down. Tom felt a tug at his heart,what had he done? He knew he didn't say much,but apparently something struck Tord pretty hard in their 'argument'. Tom pushed away the fighting for later,he leaned down to Tord and looked at him for a moment. In attempt to comfort his 'friend' he reached a hand out to rub his back but as soon as he touched Tord he jumped. His head quickly spun to look at Tom,eyes wide and his crying put to a halt as he tried to realize what was happening. Tom looked at him and begun to wrap his arms around him,"Look,I'm sorry okay? I didn't know that would effect you this much..." He held the shaking Tord as his crying began to start up again. Although this time Tord reached his arms around Tom's neck and cried into his chest. Staining his blue hoodie with his endless tears. There they sat,in the hallway holding each other...and for once,Tord felt happy,he felt safe...

After what seemed like hours (but in reality minutes) Tom spoke up,"Think we should head to the store now?" He felt Tord give a nod as he laid up against him. "Thanks Tom...Please don't tell the others about this!" Tom chuckled,"Oh trust me,I don't plan to anytime soon." He got up and held out a hand for Tord to take,"Hey Tom?" The Norwegian questioned. "Yeah?" Tord looked him in the eyes as he grabbed his hand,"I'm sorry...Y'know,for the house and everything." He said as he was pulled up by Tom. Tom just looked at the ground,neither of them dared to speak as they would just make the situation more awkward. "Come on," Tom said as he began to walk to the elevator,"We're going to the store aren't we?" Tord looked at him and nodded,following him to the elevator.

-----------To Be Continued!!----------

(A/N: hey guys! Hope you enjoyed part 9! I decided to put a little fluff in there,hehe. Tell me in the comments of you have any requests/opinions you have for the story! I have a bit of a writers block rn so thanks for helping me out! Thanks for reading) -Swingster

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