Part 10

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(3rd Person PoV)
The car ride to the store was quiet and awkward. Very. Awkward. Tom attempted to make it less so by reaching over from the steering wheel and turning up the radio volume,some alternative rock played throughout the silent car. Poking at the silence between the two,Tord took a chance and glanced at Tom. His black eyes were focused on the road,both hands on the wheel...Tord took notice of him starting to hum the toon of the melody playing on the radio station. He listened for a moment,trying to figure out if he knew the song as well,"you are tired,you are hurt,a moth ate through your favorite shirt and all your friends fertilize the ground you walk,loose your mind..." (Pantaloon,Twenty One Pilots) Tord knew the song as well but didn't hum,instead he tapped on the door to the familiar beat. Tord looked out the window,the sky barely lit by a lazy sun finally rising at 6:00 am. He watched as the buildings passed,beginning to feel drowsiness take over him. He stayed up all night,now he's gotta pay the price. Tord couldn't help but to lean on the door,unable to keep his eyes open,he was finally fell asleep.

    Tom's curiosity got the best of him when he saw Tord shift to one position for a while,as the car stopped at a red light he looked over to him. Silence. Not an awkward silence but a somehow peaceful kind of silence. He stared in awe as the dimly lit sky hit his face just right,it almost made him seem...attractive. 'No,stop it Tom! Remember that he is the reason that you live in an apartment now! He's the reason you almost got killed!' But he couldn't help it,he was just so peaceful and harmless as he slept...HONK!,the car behind Tom had honked,snapping him from his thoughts. He looked forward and began to drive again,trying not to think much on it.

"To....Tor...Tord!" Tom was practically shaking Tord and yelling at him,"Hey,we're here! Wake up!" Tord squinted in attempt to block out the now bright sky. "Alright,alright!" He said,Norwegian accent heavy. Tord's eyes adjusted to the light when he noticed,"Tom,are you blushing?" Tom's eyes widened a bit,"Pshhh,no" But it was true,Tom indeed was blushing,which made Tord question why.


Tom pulled up in the store driveway,since it was early morning he was able to grab a spot in the front. "Nice." He looked at Tord again,wondering how long it would take for him to wake up. Tom waited impatiently for 5 minutes,"Alright that's it,Tord. Get up!" Tom gave him a light nudge with his elbow and something. Something he didn't expect happened...When Tom nudged him he earned a small sleepy moan from Tord. Tom immediately turned red after hearing Tord's voice in that tone,'Holy poptart on the back of a llama!...Snap out of it Tom!' "Ugh,c'mon Tord! Hey,we're here! Wake up!"

----------back to ze present-----------

"Ugh,alright I'm up! Now stop shaking me!" Tom gave a grunt and began to get out of the car,reeeeeally trying not to think about Tord at the moment. "Tch,what's his problem?" Tord said under his breath.

...To Be Continued...

(A/N; hey guys,I'm really sorry this part took so long to come out, I had a busy week so I tried to work on this with every chance I had. Finally finishing it on the bus today,haha. Anyway,I'll try to update within the next few days but I can't guarantee anything. Thanks for sticking around and reading,tell me what you think in the comments on how this part did! ^-^) -Swingster

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